Chapter 7

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I then sit on the bed and smile. "Some ride this has been so far..." I then lay back as the girls cuddle to me. "But at least I'm not alone" I smile. Then a commons watcher came in panting and out of breathe. "Lin your attention is required! Something got inside our walls!" He panicked. We all shot up and went with him. As we descended the stairs I felt like whatever it was felt terrified... then that's when I smelled it... blood. I stopped and focused for a moment. Everyone stops and looks back to me. "We don't have time Gavan, c'mon" Lizzy said. "Speak out of line again... I dare you!" I snap. Her eyes shrunk and she quivers. "Y-yes master!" She said. I put my hand to the wall and that's when I hear it... slithering. "You don't have to hide... it's alright... are you hurt?" I called out. Then the figure showed herself. She's... a lamia... she's at least... 20... or maybe 30 feet long in total. Her scales are a discolored purple, her hair is a matted green and blue, her bust is shapely... maybe... F or more... it's almost as big as Lizzy and Cristen's chest. Her ears are pointy and her skin is pale. She has stripes on her back and down her tail and her pupils are Diamond shaped. "Your side... what happened?" I asked. She has a deep wound... a slash. "I was attacked... I didn't mean to startle the guard but I was scared... so I ran and ended up here... or... slithered... rather" She said. I approach her. She tenses up and reels back. Then I kneel and hold my hands out. "Look... I won't hurt you... your safe here... my name is Gavan, what's yours?" I said. She slowly eases toward me... when suddenly a werewolf charged around the corner! "AAAAH! That's the creature that attacked me!" She cries. As lunges at her and STRAHP! I had dove in front of her and skewered it on my hand. "That's enough, you'll take no more lives..." I shove the beast off my arm and it falls to the ground. The corpse is massive but doesn't show any signs of humanity... it was a natural born werewolf. My arm drips with blood, completely and utterly soaked. "Sinixia..." She said. I turn toward her and smile. "That's a very pretty name" I smile. She's probably not as afraid now... but I don't wanna take any chances. We get her medical attention and see to it that her wounds are taken care of. I question how I impaled a werewolf on my arm... could it be... I look to the sword. There's no way though... so I dismiss the thought. Later I check in on Sinixia and she seems to be doing fine. "Hey Sinixia, you doing alright?" I asked. She then turns to look at me. "Hmhm... much better... but unfortunately my sickly appearance is still an issue" She said. "We'll maybe we can bath you then" I said. Without any though those words came out and I realized what I just said. As I was expecting her to freak out she instead agreed. "Can you be really careful with my scales though... they are gentle but my whole body is sensitive right now thanks to this slash" She said. So Cristen, the girls and I help her get into a bath. While she soaks her body in the water and Cristen goes through her hair, Lizzy, Lilith and I clean off her scales. "Hey, has anyone seen Lin?" I asked. "She was feeling tired and went to sleep... it is late after all" Lizzy said. "Oh yeah, by the way, Sinixia, do you have a room you'd like to sleep in, if you want to sleep with the girls I can let you, I'll find somewhere else to sleep" I smile. "Wait... but aren't they your lovers?" She said. "We are... but Gavan is such a big sweetheart..." Lilith blushes. "Yeah, he has quite the way with us... he's gentle and kind, he seemingly always put people before his own needs" Cristen said. "Hmm... that's sweet but it's not like I try to... I just... get it from... my" I paused and start crying. "I want my mom and dad..." I get up and walk away. I find myself wandering the courtyard with the moonlight blade in hand. "Sihlus, you there?" I ask. He then walks out from my shadow. "Wherever my master walks I walk... what troubles you?" He asked. I collapse and slam my hand on the ground. "I'm pathetic! I let my parents get in harms way!" I shout. The moonlight blade then changes as the moon hangs overhead. "Hmph... and you call yourself a warrior..." Sihlus scoffs. I then get up and CLASH! Our blades meet and his stance is still relaxed and calm while mine is strained and tense. "If you want to find and rescue them, or avenge them, then PROVE you can!" He yells. SMASH! He slams me into the ground. "I'll give you a challenge, completely destroy my body until my very last particles drop my blade and I'm forced to regenerate, then I'll tell you a secret" Sihlus said. I kicked him off me and stood up. The blades glow distorts, turning a deep blood red. "Hmm... seems you are in tune with that sword... but your letting your hate take over... discard your hate and let the sword guide you" Sihlus said. CLASH! We begin to cross swords. CLASH! SLASH! CLANG! As we clash the blades color slightly returns to its original celestial color. My body grows lighter and lighter and my attacks grow heavier and heavier in force. "Yes! That's it, attack me with the intent of erasing me!" Sihlus shouts. Suddenly students and even the girls gather and watch our fight. Our blades resonated with the night, creating echoes that even the outer elder gods could hear. Krathep even assumes a more mortal form to witness the spectacle. SWISH! I fire a slash at Sihlus and it completely obliterated his left arm. "YES! That's it! Strike me!" He roars. Despite us being on equal playing fields he's still much faster and significantly stronger than I am. CLASH! BAM! I then take out his upper body but his right arm, right side of his torso, face and his legs still remain. He really can't die can he... "Been a while since someone has torn my body in Twain... it's... rapturous!" He grinned. What is this guy? He's beyond comprehension that's for sure. CLASH! As we cross swords I feel the Moonlight blade boiling with energy. I hold it up with the point facing Sihlus and thrust forward and suddenly... BAM! A massive beam is discharged, reverting the blade back to normal but completely incinerating as his blade clangs to the floor. "Hmhm... very good... you manage to completely destroy my body and force my blade to drop, your more than capable of saving your mom and dad" Sihlus says. I then look down and see his hand forming around his sword handle. "If it's not to much to ask, might you pick up my blade and take it with you to your room so I may regenerate in private?" Sihlus asked. I pick up his blade. "Sure, your my friend after all" I take his blade and return to my room. Sinixia and the girls are fast asleep. Meanwhile I doze off in the corner and meet Sihlus in my head. "So, could you feel that blades power hit its peak earlier during our fight?" Sihlus asked. "Yeah, that beam that was discharged... it completely erased you... in one fell blast too" I said. "Well the secret is that blade is very old, allow me to give you some history on it, the blade has always been called The Moonlight Blade, it came from the great beyond supposedly, even further beyond than the outer gods, it's unparalleled strength is beyond explanation, yet it's on par with the Eviscerator... but how that's possible I'm unsure of" He said. "What do you mean? Isn't the Eviscerator a powerful demon artifact?" I asked. "Yes... it was forged by Lilith and contains her blessing, it matches the wielders strength and amplifies it ten fold... but the Moonlight Blade is something entirely different... it doesn't just amplify your power... it doubles your magic prowess on top of that, every second it's transformed it absorbs the magic from the air and the rays from the moon... once it hits critical mass, it can discharge that beam" Sihlus said. Sihlus then gets up and bows. "My body is done regenerating for now, I'm going to speak with Krathep about the blade, take care Master" Sihlus said. "You too Sihlus... also... just call me Gavan from now on, please" I said. He smiles... or... tries to and nods. "Alright then... Gavan" Sihlus said. Him and I parted ways from my mind and I awoke to see the girls all cuddled together. "Hmm... I'm glad I could save another life..." my eyes grow heavy. "But... she's a lamia... why was she in the north... so far from her natural habitat" I ponder. But most puzzling... how did I kill that werewolf... with such ease. My mind grows hazy as I lie in the chair and I drift off to sleep. As I sleep though I feel myself lifted and set in the bed... Hours later... I awake and find Sinixia asleep in the chair... did she move me? I dismiss this thought as she most likely did. As we all wake up she smiles and yawns. "Yaaaawn... good morning everyone" She said. "Sinixia, why'd you move me?" I ask. "You seemed uncomfortable and you probably felt really lonely by yourself, so I put you back with your lovers, it's only right I felt" Sinixia said. "Well you didn't need to... I would've been fine" I said. I usually don't mind being alone... before meeting anyone... apparently even in past lives... I was cold and distant, never talked to anyone or formed bonds with anyone, it wasn't until Lizzy in the first age did I learn to open up, even then, she always had to struggle to bring me back out of my shell with each cycle. Decades... or... rather ages ago... I found myself in a place of immeasurable depression... I had been exiled... banished for the reason of high treason... one of my lifes... was cut short, Krathep has shown me. Death... by suicide... found a month later when the council found out the truth and tried to fix the damage they caused. At least my mother and father aren't caught in this vicious cycle of death and rebirth. There memories restart from nothing... whilst mine are gradually restored... and the pain that comes with them. Suddenly I feel Sinixia come onto me. "Hey, you know I never got to thank you for saving my life..." She said. I know where this is going... and you know what... I'm gonna indulge in it... besides... she's kinda hot being a Lamia. "So as a token of my appreciation, I'll tend to house care" She smiles. "What?" I asked. I accidentally blurted that out... I really need to not always think I know what's gonna happen. "I'm sorry... it's about the only thing I'm confident about doing anymore with my wound and what not... also our species isn't the best with family like things, sadly we're still pretty similar to actual snakes, we birth young if we're fertile and after a bit we abandon them to grow on their own, so I'm offering to do things like cleaning and making food if this place has a kitchen" Sinixia said. I shouldn't be disappointed though, not every girl should be mine, she's her own person. "Sure thing Sinixia, we'd be glad" I smiled. "By the way, why was a werewolf after you?" I asked. She froze and then started to slightly shake. "I was looking for supplies, our village nearby was attacked... so... I took to the surface to find supplies for the victims... but... when I came back, werewolves had picked up the scent of blood and went underground and attacked us... I was wounded and fled... but I must've left a pretty heavy blood trail in the snow since it followed me here" She said. "Underground? I guess that explains the discolored scales and pale skin, your a cave dwelling species of lamia aren't you?" I asked. "Yes, but we behave almost the exact same as other species, our lifestyle is the only difference" she says. "I see, that explains why the werewolf would've been after you then, it was just a savage werewolf, not the kind that I've seen" I said. She tilts her head in confusion. "That kind I'm used to are called sages, they are forest folk, they only use their feral powers to hunt and defend themselves, other than that they can't return to normal on command like how they can transform whenever they want, sometimes they have to remain in wolf form for a few hours to days even" I said. "Or longer even..." Sinixia looks at me with confusion and worry. "But overall the sages and warlocks are kinda beings, their forms they can take are frightening, but their as gentle as can be" I smile. "Ah... that's nice then, anyway, I'm gonna go make supper, for us, Lin is their a private Kitchen you use by chance?" Sinixia asked. "Yep, it's in my quarters, here come with me" Lin smiles. Lilith and Cristen went with... Lizzy stayed with me. As the door shuts she starts to kiss my neck and gently rub my dick. "God I've missed you honestly... I spent over 100 years waiting for you to come back... I want so much from you... I NEED more of you inside me... I'm trying to hide it but I want you to make my belly bigger with pure seed alone... please" she begs. She even gets on her knees and places her palms together. "Please master! I'm begging you, I know you just fucked is but I NEED more, it's driving me nuts!" Lizzy pleaded. I grab her horn and she moans. "Do as you please with my body, I deserve whatever you have in mind" Lizzy said. I make her remove my pants and start by immediately showing my dick down her throat. Hurk... slurp! I start forcefully fucking her throat by thrusting into it. "Take it to the base you dirty slut!" I said. She moans while my cock is fully in here throat. She's taking pleasure in the shaming. I pull it out and she coughs. "I'm masters little slut, use my body to dump your seed into" She moans. I thrusting back into her throat and start repeatedly doing it. She moans and tears up, she then pushed me down and swallowed my dick whole, down to the balls even, every inch was down her throat being sucked on. She got up and smiled. "That'll do love" then she paused. "Hey... do you feel that?" She said.

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