Chapter Ten: To the Concert!

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-Chapter 10-

Saturday, March 31


Text from: Samantha Gold

Message: C'mon Cynthia I can't wait all day!

Text from: Samantha Gold

Message: I'm in your driveway!

Text from: Samantha Gold

Message: c'mon let's go see one direction!!

Text from: Samantha Gold

Message: we're gonna be late! Wake up!!

Text from: Samantha Gold

Message: oh wait the concerts at 7 PM not am. Heh. I guess I'm overexcited abt it


I sat bolt upright when I remembered what I'd be doing that day.

I jumped out of bed, not caring about the static in my hair. I picked up my raffle ticket and my concert ticket off my dresser and ran down the stairs.

I felt jittery with excitement as the day dragged by. Ten o'clock. Ten fifteen. Ten thirty. It felt like ages before seven o'clock would come around!

Samantha and I talked on the phone all day. We predicted what all five of the boys would be wearing, which songs they'd sing, and in what order, what Niall would eat for dinner (probably Nando's, we decided), everything there was to talk about on the subject of One Direction.

Finally, my mom called me for dinner.

"Cynthia! Come eat! You concert is in a few hours!" she called from the kitchen.

A savory smell met my nose as I practically skipped into the kitchen.

My mom handed me a plate of steak. "Excited?" she asked me, beaming.

"Are you kidding? Ecstatic! Overjoyed! Invigorated! I've been waiting all month!!" I practically shrilled, a grin splitting my face. My mom laughed.

I inhaled my dinner and sprinted to the door, tickets in hand. I quickly kissed my mom goodbye and gave Dylan a big hug before hopping into Samantha's waiting green minivan.

"Have fun, sweetie! Love you! Make sure to text me when it ends! I can't wait to hear all about it!" my mom cried after me. I felt my cheeks getting hot. I wished she would quit embarrassing me.

As if she had read my mind, my mom went back in the house and shut the door behind her.

Samantha backed out of the driveway and zoomed down the road. We got to a stop sign and turned to each other.

"EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" we squealed loudly like fangirls (which we were), enough to make our ears ring afterward.

I grabbed my iPhone and jammed it into the built-in iHome in the car.

"I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND DO IT ALL WITH YOUUUUU!!!" we screamed along to the song.

Samantha screeched to a halt at a red light, causing us to fall forward against our seatbelts. She turned down the volume until it was hardly audible and whispered, "Save your voice for the concert."

"Oh, please," I said. "Like either of us will have a fraction of a voice when the concert's over." But, reluctantly, I agreed to stop singing.

Next to me, I could see Samantha giggling uncontrollably. I can't say that I blamed her. I was bubbling with excitement myself!

We were about a mile away from the stadium when the traffic started.


The car jolted and we stopped. An endlessly receding line of cars of all shapes, sizes and colors seemed to all be trying to get off at the same exit as us.

I sighed. I'd been waiting all month, and now there was a chance I'd be late?!

Samantha groaned. "I just want to see the people who make my life worth living in person!" she complained. "Is that so hard?"

"We're an hour early!" I pointed out. "Maybe we should have been earlier."

"But then we would've been bored while we waited!" she moaned.

It took us another ten minutes to get another fifth of a mile. Inch by inch we crawled along.

"I bet our boys are already there," Samantha said, breaking the silence other than the soft music of my phone.

"Yeah! They need, like, two extra hours to get Zayn's quiff so perfect!" I explained teasingly.

Samantha nodded in agreement as we moved forward another two feet. "Wish I could be them right now. I could be singin' my heart out while thousands of screaming fans cheered for me..." she fantasized.

"If you could be one person from 1D, including all the instrument players and backup people, who would you be?" I inquired.

"Well," she began, "I'd obviously be one of our five boys. I'd like to have Harry's perfect smile, Niall's perfect eyes, Zayn's perfect hair, Louis' perfect laugh, Liam's hot body..."

"You have to choose one!"

"Hmm. I'll go with Louis because I love making people laugh-"

"-and you like carrots," I finished for her. Samantha smiled in a way that said, "Well, yeah...that too..."

"And you?" she asked me.

"Me? I'd be Jon. The piano player."

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