Ch.1 Argus Limited

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Owen's Pov

On the side of a snowy mountain, a train was making its way with a bunch of Grimms following behind it. One of the Grimms flew away from its flock as it flies toward the train. The sound of gunshots can be heard as the Grimm spins its body, dodging the bullets but one bullet manages to hit it causing the Grimm to roll ahead. A scythe cuts through the Grimm, killing it. The Grimm's body dissipates into black particles in the air as it dies.

Ruby: "Got 'em! Now, whose next?"

Ruby doesn't seem to notice that another Grimm was about to strike her from behind. An ice wall is erected behind her and the Grimm smashes into it and falls off to the side. Ruby looks behind her and sees Weiss skating using her glyphs running past her.

Weiss: "Thank me later!"

Weiss jumps in the air as she summoned two glyphs beside her. The glyphs shoots ice at two other Grimms that were trying to charge at her. Weiss lands behind one of the Grimm that Yang was fighting. Blake came up to the side. She shoots Gamble Shroud at the Grimm that was fighting with Yang. Her sword cuts into the Grimm's back.

Blake: "Incoming!"

She pulls the other end of her weapon and wraps around the Grimm's neck and pulls it up, allowing Yang to punch through the Grimm's softer belly.

Yang: "Good to see your not rusty!"

Team RWBY were fighting at their best. Brisa stood alone against four Grimms. One of the Grimm came charging toward her. She manages to dodge just in time as she jumps in the air. She shoots a grappling hook at the Grimm from her scythe. The grappling hook managed to latch on to the Grimm and it pulls her onto the Grimm. The Grimm took to the skies and flew straight to where her team was. Four more other Grimms suddenly entered the fray and they were going after Brisa. One of the Grimms tries to knock her off but Cyra saw it coming. Cyra jumped into the air, and summoned fire. The fire burnt one of the Grimms. Josh then ran over and swung his axe at the Grimm as he split it in two. Raiden flying close by grabbed a Grimm with his talons as he generated electricity from his wings before electrocuting it. I ran over and started slashing the Grimm with my scimitar as I jumped back and Razor shot at the Grimm.

In front of Team RWBY and LADR were Jaune, Ren, Nora and Oscar who quickly run up further ahead to help Qrow.

Nora: "Why is it always something!?"

Ruby: "Just keep it towards the back!"

They quickly pull out their weapons. Jaune protected Nora with his shield while she and Ren shoots the Grimm. Nora shoots a Grimm in the face that was closing in on her and Jaune. Jaune keeps on blocking the small fireballs from Nora.

Nora: "Ren!"

Ren turns towards her and sees Nora extending her hand toward him. Ren grabs her hand and spins Nora several times and launches her in the air where she changed her grenade launcher into her hammer and smashes a Grimm in the head.

Oscar: "Tunnel!"

They turned to Oscar's screaming and see a tunnel up ahead. They're eyes wide open in shock.

Ruby: "Go!"

Everyone started to go back inside the train. As Weiss was running, a fireball hit her in the leg from behind almost causing her to fall to the side of the train. Ruby, however, catches her hand. She smiles at her. Ruby grabs Weiss and uses her Semblance and speeds ahead together and they managed to get back inside just in time.


White Fang Goon 1: "I can't believe he turned his back on us. He just-"

A door is heard opening. The Throne Room in Mistral was filled with a few White Fang guards who all turned as Adam walked through the door.

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