Ch.4 So That's How It Is

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3rd Pov

Yang: "Salem can't be killed... You all heard her too, right?"

Josh: "Yeah. We did."

Josh breathed out, closing his eyes in anger, still not coming to terms with what they had just found out.

Teams RWBY and LADR except for Raiden all angrily glare at Oscar, with Ozpin in control, whose head is still down. He looks up, with tears streaming down his face. Qrow just looks away, while Ariel crossed her arms.

Ozpin: "I-"

Yang: "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!"

Oz doesn't say anything, he just hangs his head back down in shame.

Ruby: "Professor..."

Ruby called, making Oz look up at the young, once-huntress-in-training.

Ruby: "What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

What he said next was definitely unexpected, especially coming from Ozpin himself.

Ozpin: "I... don't have one..."

Ozpin was crying tears from Oscar's eyes as he sighs in shame.

Suddenly, Qrow, evidently full of rage at Ozpin, shouted in anger as he punches him in the face, sending him into a nearby tree trunk. The impact was so great that it shook the tree a little and snow fell from the leave.

Qrow: "No one wanted me..."

Qrow began as he tried to control his shaking hand, the same one he used to punch him.

Qrow: "I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good..."

Ozpin: "But, you are!"

Qrow: "Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life..."

Qrow's sentence shocked Ozpin to the core, but he understood why. Maybe he was right. There was so much that he kept from everyone, even from his closest associates.

Raiden: "So that's what you've been hiding for the past centuries? All my life, I looked up to you. But I can see now that I was wrong."

Oz stares back in disbelief upon hearing Raiden say that, before looking down dejected.

Ozpin: "Maybe you're right..."

Ozpin's eyes glow as control is transferred back to Oscar Pine. He winces as he holds his cheek in pain from the effects of Qrow's punch.

Ruby: "What happened?"

Oscar turned to her and answered.

Oscar: "He's... gone."

Josh: "You've got to be got to be kidding me...."

Yang: "That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!"

Oscar: "No, this is different. He's gone. It-It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head?"

He grunts as he holds his head in pain and anger.

Oscar: "I hate this! I want it to stop!"

Raiden: "Bring him back."

Raiden spoke in an unusual, monotonous low tone.

Oscar: "I told you, he's-"

Raiden: "I WASN'T ASKING!"

Raiden yelled out in a distorted voice, entering in his wrathful state as he approaches the boy, unsheathing his sword from his back.

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