Ch.7 The Grimm Reaper

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3rd POV

A blade was heard clanging in the old vault of Haven as Neo was seen standing in front of where the Relic's weird desert world place should have been, and yet now there was only a stone wall.

Cinder: "Now you understand, I've got to get the Relic before it can be secured in Atlas, it's the only way Salem...Sighs* it's the only way we can accomplish our goal."

Cinder said as she was shown sitting on a rock in front of the vault entrance, with a dagger. Neo turned to her with a confused expression, no one could blame her though, hearing about the Relics, the Maidens, Salem, and everything was a lot to take in.

Cinder: "Look, you're not the only one who wants Ruby dead, unfortunately, Salem doesn't feel the same way, I've been instructed not to kill her, but that's where you come in, you've been given no such orders, which means you can do as you please."

Cinder said smirking as she melted the dagger in her hand with her Maiden powers.

Cinder: "Help me get to Atlas, help me find her, and the rest is up to you?"

Neo smiled and held her hand out as they shook in agreement.

A lone figure began walking across a lone rickety bridge between cliffs in a valley, held up by nothing other than a few ropes. This figure was clearly female, wearing a dark blue outfit with a hood, her skin was a light brown, her hair was black and a skull mask was on her face.

Something was heard in the distance as the figure stopped right in the middle of the bridge and took out two small skull staves that suddenly unfolded into small sickles that she held forward.

A nevermore was flying in her direction. Smiling slightly under her mask, the figure threw one of her weapons out and it stabbed into the Nevermore's shoulder, causing it to lower its altitude slightly and slam right through the bird.

This hooded figure didn't falter at this, even as she fell, she merely pressed a trigger on her weapon and pulled herself towards the weapon stabbed into the Nevermore's shoulder with Gravity Dust. Now atop the Nevermore, she sliced at it's back, causing it to screech out in pain before throwing it into a cliff face and pressing the trigger of her weapon that was stabbed into the beast's shoulder, steering it right into that cliff face as she jumped off and grabbed her weapon as the Nevermore fell onto the top of another slightly lower cliff.

Descending down upon it, the skull-masked woman sliced down on the Nevermore's neck, decapitating it and smirking up towards another two that were coming her way.

One fired feathers at her that she cut through and deflected with ease, the other dove right for her and knocked her back, disarming her. Gritting her teeth under her mask the masked woman then focused herself and her eyes lit up with a powerful silver light. Both of the Nevermore fell out of the sky and collapsed into dust.

Taking a deep breath, the woman picked her weapons up, putting them away and took out a rather old-looking scroll, messaging about her mission being finished before her scroll was suddenly shot out of her hands.

A group of assassins approached her from all sides, with a Faunus woman wearing a suit now approaching her directly.

???: "Ah... That's quite the fancy trick now isn't it?"

The woman readied her stance, with her weapons out and not even saying a single word.

???: "I'm afraid it comes with quite the hefty Price, Love'~"

The woman chuckled, crushing a stone under her foot.

The hooded woman: "I don't think you realize who I am."

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