Ch.13 Our Way

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3rd Pov

Nighttime at a forest clearing. A Mistral airship can be seen landing. The doors open, revealing its occupant as Neopolitan, who drops her disguise and is revealed to be wearing a new outfit. She looks to see someone step out of the forest, revealed to be Cinder Fall also sporting some new clothes: a cape which conceals her Grimm-ified left arm as well as an eyepatch that covers the left half of her scarred face. She stops to inspect the airship.

Cinder: "It should get us to Solitas. After that, you might want to try materializing yourself some snow boots." (continues walking)

Neo rolls her eyes at Cinder's remark. She steps out of the airship and holds her hand out, and Cinder stops walking and has an irritated look on her face. Neo then places her hand on the airship and uses her Semblance to transform it into an Atlesian Manta aircraft. Cinder smiles at this. She then retracts the disguise and snaps her fingers with a smirk on her face.

Cinder: "You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny."

The two of them board the airship.

Cinder: "And I'm happy to say I still do."

The two smile evilly as the airship's door closes.


As everyone was downcasted for destroying the only thing that can protect Argus. They all turned when they heard a voice.

Yang: "Ruby!!"

Yang, Blake, Josh, Owen and Ariel were running toward them.

Ruby: "Yang!! Blake!!

Cyra: "You guy's okay!!"

Blake: "What happened?"

Raiden: "Wait, Where's Brisa."

Owen: "I've got her but she's not doing ok. She decided to fight with barely any aura."

Owen mentions as he turns around which the others see a barely breathing Brisa on his back. The others gasped as they saw how she was. They all hear a roar in the distance and looked in that direction.

Yang: "Was that a giant Grimm?"

Weiss: "Yes, and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it."

Once everyone was in, the airship jetted off towards the city. As they soared onwards, Blake sat on a bench, her head down. Yang took the spot beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Blake: "I'm so sorry..."

Yang: "Don't be. This isn't on you."

Blake: "But-"

Ruby: (Crouching down in front of her teammate) "You're safe. That's all that matters."

Blake smiled at her leader and the two hugged. Ruby looks at Yang, and the two share a smile.

Cyra then looked at the half-conscious wolf Faunus as she then noticed that Brisa didn't have her weapon at all.

Cyra: "Hey guys, what happened to Brisa's weapon."

Josh: "It had broke and fell off the cliff and couldn't be retrieved. Also, be very careful with Brisa the whole time she was fighting her wounds kept getting bigger and worse."

Raiden: "Poor Bri."

Maria: "I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it. Getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now, we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this."

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