Ch.5 The Coming Storm

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3rd POV

Cinder: "Do you have my information?"

Lil' Miss: "Of course I do sweety, lil' Miss always delivers, although I can't promise you'll be pleased, word is they were seen boarding the Argus Limited a few weeks back, and while that isn't exactly far from here, Argus is rarely a destination for most folks, chances they'll be going straight to-"

Cinder: "Atlas."

Cinder walks away while Lil' Miss smiles at her intuitiveness.

Lil' Miss: "Well you certainly turned out to be the most interesting customer... Cinder."

Cinder stops in her tracks upon hearing her name. She turns around to face Lil' Miss again.

Lil' Miss: "You know it's not everyday a single client brings me double the business."

She said smirking as she looked up, Cinder turned around quickly and went wide-eyed in surprise as someone was seen on the rail upstairs.

Cinder: "Wait... Neo?"

Lil' Miss: "Maybe put away the good glasses."

Lil Miss said to her guard next to her, Neo glared at Cinder as she charged at her with her umbrella but once making contact with Cinder, Neo shattered and quickly got to the side as she pushed Cinder away.

Cinder: "What are you doing?!"

Neo just ignored her and continued attacking managing to get a couple of good hits while dodging spectacularly, as she always did.

Everyone in the bar watched as they were moving all over the place continuing their fight at a fast yet steady pace, Neo was the one with the upper hand as she pushed Cinder back onto the table where Lil Miss was sitting however Cinder managed to stop herself from using her foot and the edge of the table, Lil Miss' guards were able to intervene till Lil Miss held her hand up indicating them not to hold, Cinder angrily retaliated as her attacks got faster, much to Neo's annoyance Cinder did a spin and kicked Neo in the face and push her toward the bar as Cinder hopped opposite of her, Neo used her umbrella to slow her falling and she swiftly landed on the bar, she noticed a bowl next to her as she used her umbrella to toss it over to Cinder, who caught, only for Neo to use it as a distraction and charge at her, the fight was quickly getting more intense as Cinder was now using her Maiden powers by using her flames as a punch attack and broke a table, which didn't sit too well with Lil Miss.

Lil Miss: "That's enough ladies! I love dinner and a show but it's time to take it outside."

Lil Miss said to them as some of her men in the room had their weapons pointed at them.

Neo scuffed as she jumped up and kicked Cinder out of the window, Cinder flipped and landed on her feet as Neo followed and jumped outside but before landing she ended up shattering.

Cinder: "Hmm nice trick, you've gotten stronger.."

Cinder said standing up as she looked around.

Cinder: "...But so have I."

Summoning a fireball as she shot it behind her and it hit Neo's open umbrella, Neo put her umbrella on her shoulder as she was seen wearing Roman Torchwick's hat.

By her expression Cinder knew what this was about, much to her annoyance.

Cinder: "I don't have time for your misplaced blame, I didn't kill your boss, you want revenge, Go take it up with Little Red."

Cinder told her as Neo only frowned as she suddenly charged at her, Cinder summoned two swords as they fought.

Cinder: "You are not the only one with a grudge against her!"

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