☠️ Chapter 1: Audio log ☠️

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Audio log 102                                                                                                                                                           Day 730

"It's has been exactly 2 years since I crashed here on

Copper 9, it has been so far, the 2nd worst thing that's ever happened to me, just under my parent's death by the hands of JC Jenson,

I curse those higher up who decided to have all this crap happen to me,

I hate it here, it's cold, there is barely any food or water,

and there are these scary looking drones that keep trying,

to kill me, I don't know why or who they are, but

What I do know is that they are vicious, and they are deadly

I saw one rip out a worker drone's innards and feed it to him while his family watched it. Sick Beast. Oh yeah that's right, the worker drones... I... I still don't know whether it's a good Idea for me to even let them see me, sure they might not have any knives or sharp fangs, but I have overheard the scary looking ones talking about human reputation amongst worker drones.........It's not good......so who knows what they would do to me......I am getting desperate though. I have developed Autophobia in the last year, for the uneducated that means the fear of loneliness, I've never liked being alone, even back on earth, when I was still a kid, I hated the idea of being alone.

But now.........I cry myself to sleep, being alone for 2 years......I am afraid. The only reason I am alive is because it turns out that.

Worker drone colonies have food and water reserves in them.


I don't know and I don't exactly care, the only way I can safely obtain these supplies is to......*sigh*.......Break in.... I've killed a lot of worker drones, I hate killing, IT'S NEVER RIGHT!..........but I must. This might be my final log entry. I have no food and water, the drones that kill are slowly but surely finding out where I am hiding.

I can already feel hunger starting to seep in.........I wonder how my sister is doing. We were separated at a young age.... My mom and dad didn't divorce, it was that DAMN...STUPID JC Jenson company that FORCED ME, MY MOM AND MY DAD TO STAY THERE AND WORK FOR THEM!!....

*Tears start rolling down your cheek* *sniff*

.........I never got to see my sister again.........

I shouldn't cry, I need water in my body's reserves.

In case I can't find a colony.

This may be the last time you hear from me..I don't even know if anyone is picking up this signal back on earth.... I will start my walk through a part of the area I have not visited, the dangerous place, its where I see all the killer drones running off to, so that probably where they rest. I might get killed, there may not even be any worker drones there......But I have to look,

This is Y/N L/N, signing off, maybe the last time.



I hoped you enjoyed part 1, part 2 will come out very, very soon. 

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