📢 I'm back, and no longer alone is not dead!... but(READ) 📢

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Hello guys Poolify here.

I know it's been a while since you've seen me, and don't worry I'm not dead, and no longer alone is not cancelled. I don't want to sound like every other Wattpad writer, but very sad personal stuff has been happened to me, causing me to lose interesting in continuing, plus school and other stuff just gate kept me from writing more. But ever since the 3rd episode of murder drones made ma a huge fan again, I decided to not give up and keep writing, plus with the 4th episode coming out way sooner than I expected, I will finish this story, you have my word, so essentially, I'M BACK!!!... But

I probably won't be uploading another chapter for a while, I have a couple done so far, since I have been working on it since the 3rd episode. But I decided to wait until I'm a little bit halfway or more into completing the book, just in case I continue leading you guys back to happiness, then disappear again, and yes, you are allowed to be mad, I understand. It's one thing to not update the book, it's another too leave you in the dark, that was just kind of dick move, so I'm really sorry about that, but just so everyone knows if you're worried about me being dead or the book cancelled, don't be, I would have told you if it was cancelled (I appreciate all the concern though). Also, if you ever want to know my progress, you can message me on Wattpad, a lot of you have and I'm sorry for not even thinking about saying anything back.

A few more things:

1. I have been thinking about it long and hard, so while the entire book itself may not be cancelled, the bonus chapter of Uzi and co using the laptop, eh, not happening, I was working on it until it got very boring, and I kind of just don't want to do it anymore (Though I did come up with one little thing).


Y/N started booting up the computer, to show Uzi, N, V, and J all the wonderous things humanity had to offer, it turned on and Y/N went straight to google, "so guy what should I look up first, what part of humans is the first thing do you want to see." Y/N said excitingly, "OOOO OOO OOO, click that link I think I've seen that one somewhere." N proclaimed. Y/N read it out loud, "Rule34", he's never heard of it, sounds kind of dope though. He clicks on it and everyone's excited as it loads and.....


*V covers N's eyes*

J: What the F*** is this.

Y/N: I... I promise that not all of us are into um... that.

*Y/N scrolls further down (for some reason)*

V: There is... so... much... I think I'm going to be sick.

N: I didn't get to see, can I see!

Y/N, Uzi, V, J: NO!

*Keeps scrolling down*

Uzi: ............................ I've never wanted to kill humans more than I have right know

Y/N: You and me both

and with that Y/N closes the laptop, and everyone (excpet N) is collectively scared. 

(Yes, this is canon)


Sorry, but for compensation, I decided that Uzi, N, V, and J will be holding a QNA for all of you, yes, it's a little generic but it will be fun. You could literally ask anything, the only questions that will not be answered are ones that might spoil parts of the story. Y/N isn't invited, that's like asking yourself something, unless you all consider him his own character then I understand, just please let me know through either comments or messages about what I should do, a separate page will be mad for putting you questions at a later date.

2. I will go back and fix the fact doll speaks English in chapter 4, I thought she spoke English in the 1st episode until I actually went to the wiki, I feel dumb and will probably fix it today, and she will speak Russian for the rest of the book (translations included)(also don't be afraid to point out mistakes, I want to make this book good, not just okay, help is always appreciated).

3. Yes... OC's (original characters) will be a thing, but they are going to be actually good characters/villains ( ;) ) and fit the theme of murder drones. I'm not going to point fingers, but a murder drones x reader story I read had an original character who was like an alien wolf queen that was... well.... very jarring to say the least, I still loved that book series, but that was just very weird (if you know you know). So, all mines are going to fit the theme of murder drones, aka characters and or plots you could actually see them doing, and none of them are going to have the same personality is our group of 5, entirely new designs and personalities (actual drawings might be included.

Yeah, that's all I wanted to say, I'm back, though maybe not another chapter for a week maybe, and your questions will be collected for writing on 4/20, that's when I'm going to make the page for submitting questions.

Poolify OUT!

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