☠️ Chapter 12: That's a HUGE bug ☠️

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Y/N pov (8 years ago)

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" I was running away from the bad men and women, multiple people in white clothing chasing me, they were going to put me back in the room, I hate it there, I'm all alone. "Don't let him get away!" Mommy always told me to never mess with the white cloth people's stuff, but there were all these flashy lights and buttons that just said press me on them, I think I might have accidentally messed up one of their science projects. I am really sorry, and all I wanted to do was apologize, but I know what happens to me if they catch me, and speaking of catch, they're about to catch me! "Got You Little Brat!!" Oh no, no no no no no no, I started screaming and squirming, trying to get out of their grasp but they were simply too strong for me. I started screaming for help, who would hear me? My parents were all the way upstairs and my only friends were sent off far away from me about what feels like years, I hate my life. We eventually reach the room they call my bedroom, but I know what it really is, a prison, it consists of only a bed and a toilet, and one window where I can see the outside. You know... I was outside once, I don't remember much, but I would have to imagine it's better than this place, I just want to be home with mom and dad again, meet people my age, like 6.

-4 hours later-

I want to cry, I've been in here for so long that I want to die. "Hey kid, your parents want to talk to you, you have 5 minutes!" A "friendly" employee told me I get to see my parents again! OMG I'm so happy, every day is a pain, but I only live and get through them just so I can see my parents again, I love them so much and they love me!!

Lil' Y/N: "Mommy! DADDY!"

Y/M: "Y/N!!"

Y/D: "Hey Son, how are you doing!"

Lil' Y/N: "I'm doing fine, but I got really scared."

Y/M: "Oh my, Tell me what happened honey."

Lil' Y/N: "So, *sniff*I accidentally pressed this button and messed up one of the employee's projects, then they started chasing me and yelling at me, and threw me in my room, and it was very scary!"

Y/D: "*Whispers to Y/M* I swear, I would totally kill some of the employee's here if it wouldn't get us killed too, especially Bob!"

Y/M: "Y/N, I think it's time me and your father taught you a very important lesson."

Lil' Y/N: "*sniff*... what?"

Y/D: "Son, you need to learn about protecting yourself and those close to you, preventing scary people from hurting you again."
Y/M: "What happened to you earlier was very frightening, you have every right to be scared okay, the family has been caught up in this job, but I promise we will all be alright out in the world okay."

Lil' Y/N: "Promise?"

Y/M: "Promise."

Y/D: "But for now, while me and your mom are away from you, you must always remember to fight against bad doers, and protect those close to you. Heck, maybe one day you might even save the love of your life!"

Lil' Y/N: "R-Really!?"

Y/D: "Yeah, just remember that okay, always protect yourself and the people you love."

Lil' Y/N: "always protect you and loved ones, okay, I promise I will, I love you daddy."

Y/D: "We love you too son."


"Holy.." I heard loud clanging noises, I was wondering what it was until this ginormous beast, this Huge monstrous sized roach came rushing down the cave hall. It starred back with its drooling jaw hanging down looking like it was getting ready to bite, and its big glowing yellow visor able to light up an entire room, and long antennas able to sense any movement up to a mile, I'm assuming, they are very big. I'm pretty sure that's the queen, the other small roaches seem to be responding to its every command, maybe it dragged us here for food, but there could also be another, more specific reason I don't know about. It kept staring, not moving besides the breathing, "what should we do?" Uzi whispered to me, trying to make as little movement as possible, "Just, no sudden movements, maybe it has dinosaur instincts." I told her, maybe it plays by T.rex rules, don't move and it will think you're not here, we all stood there not moving, it seemed to be working-.....uh.... Oh no, I have to sneeze.. I... can't... hold it........."ACHEW!!"...... As soon as I sneezed, all of the roaches visors including the queens turned an evil blood red, "God dangit Y/N" Uzi said surprisingly calmly, "*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH*", the Queen screeched loudly, piercing all our ears, "We should Run NOW!" I shouted.

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