☠️ Chapter 16: Short Stories ☠️

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Good evening, my name is poolifier francies the 3rd, but... you can call me Poolify. Today we have 2 stories from the planet Copper9, were we'll follow a young and timid fellow named Y/N, and his worker drone crush Uzi, and his murderous best friends as they do mundane things. Lets start with the first story......... shall we?


Story 1


Y/N's pov

"WAKE UP!!!" Uzi shouted in my face as I was sleeping, which scared the absolute daylight out of me, and caused me to shout out in fear and fall off my bed. "Uzi.... Don't, don't do that!" I said to her, she apologized with a smirk on her face, she knew what she did. "Anyway, since you're back, you need to go to school, inflate that human brain of yours." Uzi said, I was a little annoyed as school was not on my schedule for today, but I guess I might, nothing else going on. My schedule just said sleep in, because it's been a long 2 weeks. I get dressed, and detour to get some food and walk to my class. Uzi has a different class than me at this time, so she told me goodbye and walked in the other direction. I guess this is supposed to be like a high school, even though I thought there was only one class. 

I walked into my class and immediately got uncomfortable, because of what happened the last time I walked into a classroom. Though my stress definitely went down a bit, after noticing that nobody really seemed to pay attention to my presence, other than a couple glances, and the teacher was different too, he looked a lot less..... Dead inside. I just walked back to the class and sat at one of the desks. This time I actually bought something, a pencil, which should come in handy, I've actually been in a school setting before the colony, being abducted at a young age and all, tough I was exposed to it through sneak watching tv shows and such, so I knew what a school was, and of course my parents would like to teach me about stuff outside the headquarters.

The Teacher eventually starts the class, and starts this new subject... door anatomy... I mean at least it's not about humans again. I'm kind of just sitting in the back, not really paying attention, then out of nowhere, one of the students threw a crumpled-up paper ball at me. I was initially annoyed at him, but he signaled me to open the ball. I was confused but did it. Inside, the paper read a question about earth, "Is it true that earth has a season where it is hot?" The worker drone wanted to know about summer? I guess when you hear rumors of earth and its life, you start to question what is real, and this young worker drone probably heard talk or saw a picture of a sunny beach and wanted to know more. I wrote down my answer, telling him about what summer is and how it feels, basically the opposite of what Copper9 is like, and threw it back to him. He read it, and the eyes on his visor widened, I'm sure he had no idea if this was even real, he grew a wide smile and whispered to his friend next to him the new information he learned about earth. His friend looked just as amazed as he did, and then eventually he told the student next to him, and then they told the worker drone next to them and so on, I watched all of it with a small smile on my face. I'm glad that I could teach this colony something new. 

After a little bit, more students threw more paper balls, each filled with more questions about earth, whether they're about the wildlife, weather, culture or just daily life of a human in general. I was happy to answer them and passed them along back to whoever threw it, "Hey!... If you aren't listening, then that means you know everything already, so why don't you come up here and teach the class then Y/N!" (I hate it when teachers say this) I guess the teacher caught wind of what was happening, and he looked pretty stern, so I got up from my seat and walked to the front of the class, lucky my extreme fear of loneliness meant I wasn't too bothered by being in the center of attention, so I didn't really get nervous or freeze up or.. Something like that. "Well, since I'm up here, are there any questions anyone would like me to answer?" I spoke.

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