☠️ Chapter 4: Comfort after tears ☠️

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Y/N Pov


I awoke to the sound of knocking at my door, I actually got a good sleep in, that's a first. I didn't want to answer the door yet, I still had just woken up, my hair was sort of a mess, and I was only wearing shirt, pants and socks, because you know............I was sleeping.


The knocking persisted, and was starting to annoy me a little bit, "one second!" I replied, I got up. I was a bit worried that whoever was at the door was getting mad, so I decided to just answer it, I probably didn't have to go anywhere, right? I opened the door, and it was Uzi, she was fully dressed.

Uzi: "Did I just wake you up"

I looked at her with a 'what do you think face.'

Uzi: "oh, well come on you don't want to be late!"

Y/N: "late? For what?"

Uzi: "um....... school?"

Y/N "Why do I have to go to school, aren't I a human, that doesn't sound like a good idea."

Uzi: "Cause......I enrolled you"

I looked at her in a bit of annoyance, because If I learned one perk of living on this planet, it's that there is no school.

Uzi: "What?.......I'm so bored in school, I have like one friend who I barely have any classes with, so......yeah."

Y/N: "*sigh*, fine.... I'll give it a go, just give me a minute to get ready."

I closed the door to get ready, I can't believe I was doing this, but I guess I have no choice. As I was getting dressed, I was thinking of what they would do to me if I didn't attend, would they just kick me out? That's probably why I am doing this, I have no idea what happens here if you skip school, so might as well. Plus, I get to spend more time with Uzi, I just wanted an actual friend that I could always rely on, I have wanted that for 2 years now, I am not throwing my one shot away. I got ready, putting on my sweater and shoes, then fixing up my hair, and once I was ready, I opened my door to be greeted with...Uzi, she was waiting for me?

Y/N: "Were you waiting for me?"

Uzi: "um.........yeah, duh!"

Y/N: "Why?"

Uzi: "because.........uh......I just felt like it."

Y/N: "oh okay"

You started walking with her, well, it was more like following her since you still had no idea where the hell to even go. We chatted on the way there, I was expecting a lot of more personal questions, like "How did you get here", "what happened to you outside" and "What's your story", but no, we just chatted about mundane things(I don't know think of basic topics), It was quite nice, talking to her felt like a stress reliever, but that all suddenly stopped once she mentioned that we were here and all stress started flooding back in. "Uzi....... I...I don't know if I can d-do this", I stuttered, I was a little freaked out, what would they think, what would they say. "Relax Y/N, don't worry, I promise you everything will be fine, it's not like they are going to freak out or something." We walked in and, would you know, everyone started to grow faces that ranged from, freaked out, nervous, disgusted or disapproving looks. I looked at Uzi, basically telling her 'You were saying' with my face, she just nervously laughed and walked to her set. "Are you Y/N L/N?" The teacher asked, he looked a bit......... Well...... Dead inside. I replied with a head nod, "you'll sit in the back." There was one lone desk in the corner, I walked over to it, looking down at the floor as I just tried to avoid looking at everyone's face, I continued to just stare at the top of my desk when I sat down. The teacher continued the lesson like he wasn't at all shocked with the HUMAN! Sitting at the back of his classroom, I didn't pay attention, and neither did any of the students, as they were busy berating me behind my back and throwing paper balls, I just ignored it, and I can see Uzi looking at them with a pissed off face, and that would sometimes shut them up, I......don't think she's just my friend for pity, I think she actually cares for me, THANK GOD!! Then the teacher started a new lesson, it was all about............ Humans! Did it even register to him that I was a human, or did he just not care...at all. He started talking about human biology which, you know, speaking from experience.... he got it right, but then he started talking about how worker drones felt about said humans, and those comments, I....

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