☠️ Chapter 18: Prison Panic ☠️

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OMG I finally posted a chapter everyone cheer!! CHEER!!! Not prolonging you guys any further let's just jump straight into it.


No one's pov

Far, far away from the colonies that the worker drone society resides in, lies a different kind of structure, a more....... Interesting building. About a mile away from Uzi's colony was a town. A town that looked like it was ripped straight from earth. Why was it here? What is its purpose?

A little bit away from the town however, a recreation of the famous prison complex Alcatraz resided. You could barely see it, obscured by the snowstorms and incoming winds. Suddenly, the gates started opening, creaking open slowly and loudly, the hinges probably haven't been oiled in years. A tall, big figure walks out from the gates, the Warden. He was placed on Copper-9 fairly recently by JcJenson and given the task of capturing Y/N and locking him in Alcatraz until JcJenson reinforcements can fly over in spaceships to retrieve him, and do god knows what with him. The Warden began the trek to the colony, luckily before this he was contacted and told the coordinates to the colony in which Y/N is hiding in. Now it was only a matter of time when the Warden got there.


Uzi was in her room staring at one of the mirrors hanging up on her wall. She felt like there was something in her head, like a headache but... more confusing. She couldn't describe it. At first she thought it might have been a dent in her head. From where? She didn't know, but what else could it have been, but when she examined herself in the mirror, there was nothing there. Puzzled, she looked closer into the mirror to make sure she wasn't missing something. That's when her eye went from her normal purple ovals to the absolute solver logo! When it appeared on her visor, replacing the left eye, it somehow shattered the mirror. She covered her mouth in disbelief, "no no no no no no no, it can't be!" She said to herself. Panicking, she started to comb her hair down to cover the left eye after the absolute solver logo went away, so no one could see it if it showed up again.

She didn't want anyone to freak out, even though she was definitely freaking out. "UGH! Why me, why couldn't it have been Lizzy, or something!" She moaned to herself, she started to remember the eldritch horror monster that they faced a week ago. Would she turn into one as WELL!! She didn't know, but was too scared to ask anyone or tell anyone about it, especially Y/N. Would he or N be scared of her if they knew, god she wouldn't want that.

Speaking of Y/N, he was walking outside in the hallways and saw Uzi walk out of her apartment, looking awfully distressed about something. He too grew concerned, wondering what was making his crush-FRIEND so nervous. He walked up to her and greeted her. She jumped from being in fight or flight mode because of the stress coursing through her. "Uzi, are you okay, you look distressed." Y/N asked, "Me!? I'm perfectly okay." she said kind of suspiciously, like what she said wasn't actually true. Then she quickly walks away from Y/N, trying to leave the conversation before Y/N can learn about her infection with absolute solver. She hides behind the wall of the next corridor and leans up behind the wall so Y/N couldn't see her, praying that he wouldn't follow her. Y/N however was disappointed, he wanted to help her with whatever was bothering her but, maybe this was a personal issue that he should stay out of for her sake. So, he just yells out to her that if she needs anything, he's here to talk, not really knowing if she heard it, but she did, and while she didn't respond and waited for him to walk away, she took a big sigh of relief knowing that if no one is there for her, Y/N will be. Maybe he would understand if she told him, in the meantime, however, just try to avoid mirrors as much as you can, she thought.

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