[2] What Love Feels Like

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The triplets came home at about four, Ember still not saying anything as she walked up the stairs and locked herself in her room. I sighed, turning back to Jade and Nightfall, who were hanging up their sweaters.

The babies were both still napping while Python was probably playing video games in his room.

"Have you guys found out what's bothering her?" I asked, stopping in the act of wiping down the tables. "She's been like this since the neighborhood party. I wonder what happened..."

"She won't talk," Jade said with a sigh as she took her hair out of its ponytail. "I tried making her feel better, but she just ignored me. I don't know what got her this upset."

"The last time she acted like this was when her pet goldfish died," Nightfall said as he leaned on the counter. "She really loved that fish." He thought about it before shrugging. "Oh, well."

"Not 'oh well'!" I said, crossing my arms. "She's really upset, and I don't know why. She's not even talking to Cosmo, for God's sake."

"Maybe because he's a cat..?" Nightfall said, popping his lips as I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean," I said before changing the subject. "You guys hungry? We have leftovers."

"No," Jade said as she walked up the stairs to her room. "I have to study for the test tomorrow anyway." I sighed as a began wiping the tables again.

I noticed Nightfall just staring at me and glanced up at him. "What?" He quickly looked away, clearing his throat. I narrowed my eyes. Nightfall only ever acted like this when he was keeping something from me. He should really become less obvious. "Tell me."

"Tell you what?" Nightfall said in an unconvincing tone as I crossed my arms. I kept my gaze pinned onto him until he noticed. He sighed, giving in.

"Okay, I have a question," he said, making me raise my eyebrows expectantly. "But you have to promise not to question it and not to look at me weird."

"Fine," I said with a shrug. Nightfall took a deep breath before looking me in the eye.

"Do you love Dad?" he asked, totally serious.

I frowned. "Why are you ask–"

"Hey, you promised," Nightfall said, making me clamp my mouth shut.

"Of course," I finally answered as I started wiping the table again, which was already dry.

"Like, a true love kind of love?" he asked as if to get me to clarify.

"Yes," I said suspiciously. "I love him. Why?"

"No questions," Nightfall said before beginning again. "So, what does it feel like?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "What does what feel like?"

"What does love feel like?"

I looked away, focusing on wiping down the table that didn't need wiping. "Why are you asking me?"

"Um, maybe because you're in love?" Nightfall said, sounding like he expected more from me. "You know, like you said?"

I glanced up at him as I suddenly gasped, a teasing smirk making its way onto my face. "Holy shit, are you in love?"

"What?" Nightfall quickly said, seeming panicked. "What–no! Why would you think that?" I was already making my way over to him and cupping his face with my hands.

"My little boy's all grown up," I said in a mocking tone as he swiped at my hands.

"Mooom," he complained. "I'm not! Stop!" I finally stopped and grinned a satisfied grin, obviously coming out victorious.

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