[12] Grateful

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Glory recovered first.

"What?" she demanded, her balance going awry. I could tell she felt as though she were going to faint by the way she got paler by the second.

"But... how?" Qibli asked with a confused frown. "Python killed her... didn't he?"

"We underestimated how far into the future she can see," Moon said. "Her future-seeing is so much stronger than mine. She probably knew Python was going to do that. She knew Darkstalker would save your kids. She let it all happen... but why?" Moon gingerly touched her head, frowning. "Jerboa?" she murmured to herself. "Who's Jerboa?"

"This cannot be happening," Glory said, looking as if she was going to start hyperventilating as well. "She dead! But she's not–she'll kill our kids again. How can I protect them? How can I stop her?"

I looked down at Lilly, who was very closely examining her hands as if they were ancient artifacts. I remembered seeing her lifeless body and unable to do anything. I remembered how Glory cried for her and how no one could look at Lilly without feeling like a knife stabbed you in the heart.

"I don't think we can stay here, Glory," I said, finally able to speak. Glory slowly turned her head to look at me.

"Moving isn't an option," Qibli said. "Clearsight will just foresee it, won't she? If you run, she'll only chase you. It'll become a cycle."

"That son of a bitch," Glory growled before taking a deep sigh. "Alright. So. Here's the plan. We have Thanksgiving dinner, we send everyone off, put the kids in the Safe Room, and then come up with a plan."

"So... your plan is to come up with a plan?" Qibli mused.

"I'm glad we're both on the same page," Glory said with a nod.

"That... that'll work," Moon mumbled, touching her head. "Putting your kids in the Safe Room, I mean. Clearsight won't be able to break in, and she doesn't know the password, so they'll be safe. But Clearsight will probably foresee you guys doing that, so she might just aim for you two, anyway."

"Not Glory," I said, shaking my head. "I'm putting her in the Safe Room, too."

"You're not putting me anywhere," Glory snapped. "I'm going, too. Poor Py is traumatized, and all of that just so that the star in his nightmares is still alive and haunting every waking moment he's alive?"

"It's the only way you can stay safe," I insisted, giving Lilly to her. "You have to."

"I don't have to," Glory said. "I don't care what you say. I've made up my mind."

"I won't let you," I said. "Whatever I have to do to keep you alive." I could see Glory getting more irritated by the second.

"And who'll keep you alive," Glory demanded. "You're running to your own death. Good grief, Deathbringer! Do you hear yourself?"

"Please, Glory," I said. "Let's be sensible."

"You are so aggravating," Glory growled before turning to Moon. "Moon, can you see anything bad that'll happen if I go with him?"

"Well..." Moon murmured. "So, long story short, if you do go with Deathbringer, he ends up sacrificing himself, and he dies and you live."

Do I really die?

Moon's eyes cleared over just for the briefest second before she began talking again. "But there's also a future where you save his life. And there's also a future where Glory sacrifices her life for Deathbringer. There are many alternatives–I only see the ones that are most likely."

Wings Of Fire As Humans ~ 3 ~ {GLORYBRINGER}Where stories live. Discover now