[13] Breathe

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"How lovely," was my immediate response. Peril sent us all an apologetic smile.

"What do we do?" Clay asked, seeming startled enough to not be worrying about food. "Do we call an ambulance?"

"No time," Peril said, slightly disgruntled. "I don't–I don't think we have time for that."

"Then what do you suggest we do, genius?" Tsunami demanded.

"Are you in pain?" Clay was asking, seeming nervous but excited at the same time.

"I'll just give birth here," Peril offered. Tsunami gave her a look that said seriously?

"Somehow, that is the smartest idea you have ever had," Tsunami growled. "No one here knows how to guide a birth... except..."

Suddenly, everyone turned to me.

"Nope," I immediately said. "No, no, no. Absolutely, one hundred percent no." I disentangled Deathbringer's arms from around my waist and got off his lap.

"But, Glory," Sunny protested. "Weren't you a doctor? Can't you help Peril?"

"I was a doctor. Keyword: was." I walked over to Peril. "Someone call an ambulance, unless Clay would rather drive her to the hospital."

"There isn't any time," Peril cried, and then hissed in pain as she glared down at her stomach. "Argh. This baby is already getting on my nerves. Hey, you! Cut it out!"

"I-I've read some stuff about birthing a child when Sunny was pregnant," Starflight offered. "I could help you, Glory."

"So could I," Riptide piped up. "Tsunami made me learn all about it." Tsunami smacked him and he stopped talking.

"I'm pretty wise in that particular domain, too," Qibli said, and Moon winced.

"Perhaps I could lend a hand." We all turned to look at Grandeur, who had just spoke. She glowered elegantly back. "As a woman with children myself, I think I'm the smartest choice."

"I'd rather get stabbed 20 times than trust you with my child," Peril said calmly before turning to me. "Please help me?"

Help her, Glory. You know how to.

I let out a long sigh. "Fiiine. I'll help. But only because I feel bad for you and because this is your first time."

"I don't want to watch that," Reef suddenly said. "That's so gross."

"How mature," Tsunami said, looking her nose down at him.

"Right, the kids should all go in the living room," I said. "Let the adults handle this. Jade, you're in charge."

"What!" Nightfall cried as Ember whined, "That's not fair!"

"And they act surprised," I mused, making Ember huff indignantly.

"This is exciting," Kinkajou announced. "I've never witnessed a birth before. Can I help? I bet I can help."

"Reef, watch Coastal," Riptide instructed as Tsunami handed Coastal to Reef. "You know how shy she is. Don't leave her by herself."

"I wanna see!" Clover cried when Deathbringer picked her up and dropped her into Nightfall's arms. "No! No, no, no!"

"It's just for now," Deathbringer said to her. "Behave. Nightfall, watch her."

"It's always me," Nightfall groaned in annoyance, and Gemstones giggled teasingly.

The kids all walked into the living room, and I noticed Maple glance back at Peril worryingly. Even Python seemed slightly anxious.

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