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Loosely based on Stargirl Interlude by The Weeknd

gn! (no use of Y/N)

Word Count: 662

Warnings: NSFW, sexual tension, swearing, descriptions of sex dream, pet names, light smut

₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗

The lull between missions was the most excruciating boredom you had ever felt. Graves, you, and some other Shadows sat in the common area trying to pass boredom. Laying down on the couch you were throwing a tennis ball up in the air making a game out of trying to knock a ceiling tile out. Graves was sat at the main table flipping through files trying to busy his mind.

"Would you quit bouncing that ball, fuck", one of the newest shadows was very obviously irritated with how you were trying to expel your boredom.

"No one said you had to sit here and watch", glancing over at them from your spot on the couch, shooting a middle finger in their direction.

"Alright, alright, that's enough you two", Phillip hadn't even looked up from the scattered paperwork as he continued, "Get rid of that damn ball, we're gonna go take watch c'mon"

"I think staring into the abyss of nothing would be more exciting than taking watch, Commander", you stood up from the couch, walking past Phillip which gave him the chance to place his hand on your lower back as he guided you out of the room.

"Lose that attitude darling", Graves' whispered in your ear, making sure no one else heard. Finally reaching the lookout, the Commander dismissed the previous Shadows who were taking watch.

"Just as boring as I thought", you laughed leaning up against the guard rail, crossing your legs slightly.

"We haven't even been up here a minute darlin' c'mon now, I'll make it worth your while", Graves walked towards you, grabbing your waist and pulling you off the rails and into him. Instinctively your hands wrapped around his neck, resting your foreheads together.

"You just wanted to get me alone Commander", speaking barely above a whisper

"Guilty as charged", he broke from your grasp, raising his hands like he had been caught. Keeping in mind that the two of you were on watch, Graves' grabbed the binoculars doing a quick look around to make sure all was well. "What are you thinking about over there", Phillip asked as he peeked at you from above the binoculars.

"Did I ever tell you about my dream you were in?",

"I don't think you did doll, go ahead I'm listening"

"Hm okay, I was bent over the counter",

"Is this a sex dream?" Phillip dropped the binoculars, now giving you his full attention.

"Well yeah", you could see his pants getting tighter as he leaned up on the rail crossing his arms as he waited for you to continue.

"Go on darlin', I'm waiting", a smugness had taken over Graves now that he knew you were dreaming of him fucking you.

"I don't remember all of it so don't get too excited over there", pointing at his now very obvious erection. Phillip shrugged, he didn't mind, he was a man who didn't shy away from sex. "My back was arched, and I was fully scratching the counter, like leaving marks"

"Minx", Graves just laughed as you were recalling the dream to him, he outstretched a hand to pull you in. Your ass now resting on his hard cock, and his hands resting on your waist rubbing small circles with his thumbs. "What else happened?", your breath caught in your throat as you tried to find your train of thought as Phillip whispered lightly into your ear.

"I don't remember anymore", your face was warm and you felt dizzy.

"Well, was hoping to hear how I made you cum, but I guess I'll settle for the real thing", placing slow kisses on your neck as he spoke. "Let me get a new team up here to take over watch, and we can make that dream of yours a reality, how 'bout that doll?". Still unable to think, you nodded looking back at Phillip who was lightly pushing into your ass as he smirked at you.

"Go head back down to my room, I'll wait for the boys and meet you down there", the Commander pulled you into a kiss before sending you on your way with a wink.

Phillip Graves One Shots (X Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now