Season 1. Episode 3. "The start"

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Thursday | January 7th 2030 | 7: 12 AM | Livingroom

Taylor: Alright, bye mum!

Mother: Where are you going?

Taylor: To school?

Mother: Your not going today.

Taylor: Why?

Mother: The school told me it's best if you stay home for a few days. Plus, It's going to storm today.

Taylor: Alright, I kind of don't want to go anyways.

Mother: I was going to go shopping. Do you want to come?

Taylor: Sure!

| AT THE SHOPS | 8:00 am

Mother: What's next on the list?

Taylor: Uhmm. Toilet paper! That's what's next!

Mother: Alright.

*Mother and Taylor go to isle nine*

Mother: Where did all the toilet paper go?

Taylor: I don't know.

Mother: Taylor, what year is it?

Taylor: Last time I checked it was 2030.

Mother: That's what I thought. Everyone is acting like it's 2019 again!

*Taylor laughs*

Mother: Alright fine. What's next.

*Taylor looks at the list*

Taylor: We need milk!

Mother: I don't even want to bother with milk. That's probably all gone as well.

Taylor: Do you want me to run and check?

Mother: Sure. That would be great.

*Taylor runs to the milk isle*

Taylor's mind: Lucky! There is one more left!

*Taylor grabs the milk and runs back to Isle nine*


Mother: Really?! Great job!

Taylor: That's the last item.

Mother: Alright, let's go pay!

*Mother and Taylor walk to the cash register*

*Mother starts putting the items on the belt*

?: Hello how are we today?

Mother: Pretty good, thanks.

?: That's good. Do you guys need bags today for $2.00?

Mother: Uhm, no thanks, we have bags. Taylor give the man the bags.

Taylor: Oh right.

*Taylor grabs the bags from the shopping cart and gives them to the man*

?: Thank you young lady.

Taylor: No problem!

?: Alright, that comes to a total of $123.20. Is that by card?

Mother: Yes it is. Taylor can you start putting the bags in the shopping cart while I pay?

Taylor: Alright mum.

*Taylor pushes the shopping cart next to the bag drop off and stats picking up the bags to put in the cart*

*Mother pays for the groceries*

?: All good ma'am! Have a good day!

Mother: Thank you! You too good sir!

Taylor: Mum, I need help with these bags. They are heavy.

Mother: Oh!

*Mother grabs the bags and helps Taylor put them in the shopping cart*

Mother: Alright! Lets go home now Tay.

Taylor: Yay!

? Oh, Hey Tay!

*Taylor and Mother turn around*

Taylor: oh hey, Anna.

Anna: I'm not here to cause ant trouble, I just wanted to apologize, and I ask for forgiveness.

Taylors: mind Ask for forgiveness!? She is really getting on my nerves. But I have to forgive her.

Anna: Tay?

Taylor: I forgive you, Anna.

Anna: That's wonderful! Thank you Tay!

*Anna smirks*

Taylor: Mum I want to leave...

Mother: Alright dear.

*Taylor and mother leave the shops*

AT HOME 10 35

Taylor: Why is it suddenly SOOO hot? I'm burning!

Mother: I'm sure it will cool down. Patients dear.

Taylor: This year is going to be fun

Mother: Let's just have hope dear.

Taylor: Your right.


Mother: Taylor! Dinner!

Taylor: coming!

*Taylor runs to the dinner table*

Mother: That was fast. You really must be hungry!

*Taylor starts huffing and puffing*

Taylor: Yes. I. Am. I am very. HOT. As. well.

Mother: I can see. Well I have the aircon on.

Taylor: You do!? I can barley feel it.

Mother: Lets just eat dear.

Taylor: Alright, what did you make?

Mother: I made your favourite! Pasta bake!

*Taylor smiles*

Taylor: Yay!

*Mother holds Taylors hand*

*Mother starts praying*

Mother: Lord I ask for strength and patients in this time for my family. I hope my husband gets home safely and I am blessed to have a daughter like Taylor.

Taylor: And I thank mother for being the best mum and cooking my favourite food!

*Mother smiles*

Mother: Amen.

Taylor: Amen!

Taylor: Hey mum. Do you ever wonder id dad's coming back?

Mother: I-. I don't know dear.

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