Season 1. Episode 6. "Father And Mother."

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Monday | February 4th 2030 | 7:30 AM | In the lounge room/ living room

Taylor: Cya mother! I'm going to school!

Mother: Goodbye Dear! 

*Taylor runs outside of the house and gets on the bus* 

Bus driver: We almost left you there Tay. 

*Taylor huffs and puffs* 

Taylor: Yeah...

*Taylor sits down on the front seat and the bus drives off* 

??: Man did you hear?!

??: What?!

??: These heatwaves! It's ridiculous how many there is! 

??: Now that you point it out, there has been alot of heatwaves. 

??: I'm going to die of heat today, I swear! 



*Taylor looks around*

Taylor: Oh. Hello Anna.

*Anna hugs Taylor* 

Anna: I missed you Tay!

Taylor: I uhm. I missed you too. 

Anna: Where have you been? 

Taylor: Don't you mean where have I been girl? 

Anna: No...You don't like those pronouns...

Taylor's mind: What? I'm confused...

Taylor: I have been with my family, spending time with them. 

Anna: That's nice! 

Taylor: Do you even remember what happened?

Anna: Did something happen?

Taylor: Yes...We got into a fight...

Anna: Oh. I don't remember that. 

Taylor's mind: This is weird.

Taylor: What's your name? 

Anna: It's Anna silly! 

Taylor: Really? 

Anna: No...I'm sorry that was a lie. My name is Mille! 

Taylor's mind: Ah. I see now. 

Taylor: How old are you Millie? 

Millie: I am this much old! 

*Millie shows a number of six of her fingers*

Taylor: So you are six? 

Millie: Is that how much numbers I'm holding?

Taylor: Yes the numbers you are showing me is six.

Millie: Than I am six years old! 

Taylor: It's very nice to meet you Millie! 

Millie: How do you know Millie?...

Taylor: Anna? 

Anna: Yes. How. Do. You. Know.Millie?

*Anna gives Taylor a deep stare* 

Anna: You don't know Millie. Got it?!

Taylor: I would rather speak to her rather than you! She is much nicer!

Anna: Stay away from me and Millie.

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