Season 1. Episode 10. "The Drop Of The Sun"

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(The last day with mother, Taylor sneaks into the Rocketship and mother gets left behind by the crowd, Taylor spots a window on the ship, sees their mother looking at them while waving goodbye)

Friday | July 5th 2030 | 10:25 AM | At a motel

It's been two months since me and mum ran away from our home, our memories. It's been tough to survive with low money. We got a hotel pretty close to where the rocket-ship is located and it's also been tough on this journey. Mother has calmed down a bit, but mainly everywhere her and I go Mother just cries. I do get it. We lost someone dear to us. We can't get them back. We can only just continue with life and deal with the truth. He isn't coming back. It's a hard thing to do, but we have to stay strong. Continue with our lives and with our plans. The owner of the motel has been a really great help the past month, he makes sure we are fed and safe. It does remind Mother of father a lot of the time. But we both know that is father guiding us. Making sure we are safe.

If I die. Do not grief. For I am free and with the God. I am safe.

Mother: Taylor!

Taylor: Huh?

Mother: What are you doing on that phone that makes you so focused?!

Taylor: Uhm...Just writing a book.

Mother: Oh. Nice. What is it about?

Taylor's mind: Oh no...

Taylor: It's about. Uhm... A girls path with God.

Taylor's mind: Nice save.

Mother: Oh Tay. That's wonderful!

Mother: What do you even want to be when you grow up?

Taylor: I wanted to be an architect. I don't think that will happen now...

Mother: Oh dear. Let's still have hope. Okay?

Taylor: Alright.

Mother: How about we watch some tv? See what's going on today.

Taylor: Okay.

*Mother turns on the tv*


Mother: That's lucky. The tv is already on the news channel.

??: The new Rocketship has been announced by the president two months ago.

Taylor: Everyone is probably doing the same thing as us. Watching the news 27/7.

*Mother and Taylor pay attention to the tv*

??: Just today we have been informed of the earth getting warmer and the ship takes off today in 24 hours. The president is only allowing famous people, there would be no bribing to get onto the ship. Goodluck, and goodbye to you all...

*Taylor turns off the tv*

Taylor: That's it. We are all dead.

Mother: Have faith dear. We will find a way. God will help us fins a way.

Taylor: Alright. I trust you. What do we do now?

Mother: Let's go grab some food and do some activities together. Then start packing and start going to the rocket ship.

20 HOURS TILL LAUNCH | 1:25 pm

Taylor: MOTHER! Thank you, that trip was fun!

Mother: It's okay Tay. I want to spend as much time with you as I can.

*Mother hugs Taylor*

Mother: I love you Taylor. With all my heart. Don't you forget that.

Taylor: I won't. I promises.

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