Season 1. Episode 4. "The last talk."

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Friday | January 8th 2030 | 9: 00 AM | Taylor's Bedroom

*Alarm beeps repeatedly*

*Taylor wakes up*

Taylor: Oh no! I'm late for school! MUM!

*Taylor runs out of the room*

*Mother is sitting on the couch*

Taylor: MUM! Why didn't you wake me up I'm very late!

*Mother sips her tea*

Mother: You are late for school yes. But you are not late for what I had planned today.

Taylor: Huh?

Mother: I have planned to see our family! Surprise!

Taylor: But they live in Poland

Mother: yeah! I brought plane tickets!

Mother: I would recommend you pack. We have to leave the house in 4 hours.

Taylor: Also what is going on today?

Mother: Uhm. There are massive floods in Australia, and a 5 or 6-year-old is missing I can't remember which age. The ice is almost gone in Antarctica. Annnndddd It's going to be really hot.

Taylor: Oh boy.

*Taylor runs into their room and starts packing*

*Mother goes to the kitchen and packs snacks*


Mother: Taylor!

Taylor: Yeah?

Mother: Have you finished packing?

Taylor: Yep!

Mother: Can you leave your suitcase near the front door, please?

Taylor: Alright!

*Taylor gabs their suitcase and put's it at the front door*

Mother: Thank you, dear.

Taylor: No problem!


*The taxi pulls up to the family house*

Taylor: It's pretty dark.

Mother: It's like 3 am Tay.

Taylor: Oh.

Mother: Come on we're here!

*Mother and Taylor get out of the taxi*

Mother: Taylor, can you knock on the door while I grab the bags?

Taylor: Sure mum!

*Taylor runs to the front door and knocks three times*

Taylor: It's me! Taylor!

*The taxi boot slams shut and the front door opens*

??: Taylor!

Taylor: Uncle Terry! Hi!

Uncle Terry: What brings you and your mother here?

Taylor: Uhm...

*Mother walks to the front door with the bags*

Mother: We just wanted to see you guys! It's been a while.

*Uncle Terry looks at mother*

Uncle Terry: Oh! Jenny let me help you with those bags.

*Uncle Terry runs to Mother and takes the bags off Mothers hands*

Uncle Terry: Come on guys, let's go inside!

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