Season 1. Episode 1. "Pilot"

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MONDAY | November 4th 2029 | 3: 00 pm

Narrator: The year before the disaster, before the murder year. Before the year I lost everyone. 

?: Hey Taylor! What are you reading about?

Taylor: It's something quite a bit of people are talking about. 

?: What?

Taylor: Global warming.

?: Really. Global warming? That's boring Tay. 

Taylor: Maybe for you Anna, but to me it's interesting! 

Anna: Alright. What is global warming anyways? All I know is that it's heating up the earth.

Taylor: You sure you want me to explain it to you? 

Anna: Yeah. I might get it or might not. Who cares. 

Taylor: Alright. Global warming is an increase in temperature in the Earth's atmosphere attributed to the greenhouse effect when the sun's light rays get trapped in the Earth's lower atmosphere, and this is caused by a HUGE amount of carbon dioxide and other pollutions. Do you understand?

Anna: I think so. 

Taylor: Okay, uhm. How does the earth heat up?

Anna: Uuuuuhh. The greenhouse effect?

Taylor: Good! What is the cause?

Anna: Carbon dioxide?

Taylor: You are a Pro! 

Anna: Oh thank god. Can we go home now? 

Taylor: Alright. 

2 MONTHS LATER | 4/01/2030

Taylor: What are you wating the news for mum? It's boring. 

Mother: You might never know what is going on this year.

Taylor: Fair enough. 

Mother: You can always leave if you don't want to watch. 

Taylor: Nah. I'll stay. It's good to learn once in a while. 

Tv: Todays news! This year the weather are becoming more hectic, so prepare yourself for more bushfires, floods, tsunami's, tornados, storms, and earthquakes!  Oh my sounds like global warming is really getting us this year. You said it jerry! And now for trending ne-

*Taylor's mother turns the tv off*

Taylor: You okay mum? 

Mother: Yeah. I just, uhm. Need a little break.

Taylor: Oh. Alright. 

*Taylor's mum get's up and walks to her bedroom*

Taylor's mind: I hope she is okay. 

*The bedroom door slams shut*

Taylors mind: I'm going to follow her. 

*Taylor gets up from the couch and goes to there mums bedroom and listens in*

Mother: I can't believe it. The predictions are true. I can't do anything to help my family. 

Taylor's mind: Oh mum...

*Taylor knocks on the door*

Taylor: Mum? 

*Taylor opens the door*

Mother: Yeah baby?

Taylor: You okay? 

Mother: Yeah. 

Taylor: What's that book you have?

Mother: Oh, it just a boring book. I was thinking of returning it to the library. 

Taylor: Oh, okay. I'm going to go chill in my room for a bit.

Mother: Alright. 

*Taylor shuts the door and goes into there room*

Taylor's mind: A prediction? Hmm, that does sound interesting. 

Mother: TAYLOR! 

*Taylor opens there door*

Taylor: Yeah?!

Mother: I'm going to the library to return this book, I'll be back!

Taylor: Alright! Bye! 

*The front door slams shut*

Taylor's mind: Hmm, I wonder. 

*Taylor goes to there mums bedroom and looks around*

Taylor's mind: That's weird. Mum left the book on the bed, wasn't she leaving to return it? She wouldn't mind if I just have a little look...It's boring anyways. 

*Taylor grabs the book from the bed and opens the book* 

Taylor's mind: Chapter 20...2020. Why is there stuff about past times? 

*Taylor starts reading*

Taylor's mind: Predictions? Market crash. I mean that did kind of happen because of the pandemic. I wonder if there is one for 2030...

*Taylor flips the pages till chapter 23*

Taylor's mind: Chapter 30. 2030. I found it! Aright what predictions are there! Oh my. Terrible weather and natural disasters  due to global warming... That was just on the news... No wonder my mum was worried. Alright, I'm sure nothing else bad. 

*Taylor looks at the page again*

Taylor's mind: The Earth will warm up... Oh no. Th-this is very bad, terrible if I must say so! I'm done with this book! DONE! 

*Taylor chucks the book on the bed and runs to there room* 

*Taylor jumps onto there bed and starts crying*

Taylor's mind: So this means this is the last year with my family...At least I'll get to meet God, he will save me. 

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