7 - recoupling

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"hi everyone!" Arielle Vandenberg spoke smiling and waving as she joined all the islanders in the kitchen where they'd been chatting.

"Can everyone please gather at the fire pit?" She asked as they all looked at each other frantically. Everyone was nervous.

Not to long ago Fatima had a conversation with Nate and told him she and Zac both are open to new things so she'd like to get to know him.

Nate was happy and wanted to choose her immediately but Zac wasn't aware of any of this, all he knew was that Fatima was playing with fire.

"So islanders, you know why I'm here."  Arielle spoke with a sadden expression, it was always hurtful to send an islander home.

"It's time for the first recoupling, this time around the boys will choose which guy they want to be with. Where you'll decide to stay with your partner or switch it up."

"And as you can see we have six girls and 5 guys, so that will mean one of the girls will be dumped from the villa tonight." She looked at the boys.

"So this is how it works, boys will stand one at a time and tell me which girl you'd like to couple up with and why."

"So Jacob please step forward and give your reasons on the girl you'd like to couple up with." Jacob stood to his feet with a smile.

"I'd like to couple up with this girl because she's beautiful and I've enjoyed getting to know her. I want to take things further and see where it goes."

He looked up, "The girl I'd like to couple up with is" there was a long wait for suspense, "Cassandra." He spoke. Casey smiled instantly.

"Woohoo!" Arielle cheered as Cass made her way over to Jacob, she gave him a quick peck before sitting down. "You did good." She whispered.

"Now Zachary if you'd stand and tell us why you'd like to couple up with the girl of your choice." Zac stood proudly.

"I'd like to couple up with this girl because she's like perfect, I admire everything about her from her hair to her feet." Arielle smiled at his kind words.

"She makes me feel better everyday and I can't wait to do the same for her so the girl id like to couple up with is."

Fatima looked down to her feet feeling defeat as if she heard the word 'Savannah' come out of his mouth, instance he said. "Fatima."

She looked up with s shock, she turned to Savannah who was mugging the ground. Fatima smiled and basically ran to Zac.

They kissed repeatedly before taking their seat beside Jacob and Casey. "I loved that so much." She said, "Im glad you did." He whispered back.

He gave Fatima a look, she knew it meant they definitely needed a chat after this recoupling was over.

So many lies were said that needed to be addressed. "Tre stand and choose your lady." Arielle ordered him with a smile.

"I'd like to couple up with this girl because for one we're basically like meant to be, and because she threatened me." Everyone laughed at his joke.

It was true though, "The girl is like to couple up with is Caro." He smiled holding his hands out as she walked to him.

She grabbed his hands and leaned up to kiss him, "Love the hair babe!" Arielle shouted after Caro causing her to whip it before they sat down.

Next was Daniel, "I'd like to couple up with this girl because she's smoking hot and I'd like to get to know her more."

"The girl id like to couple up with is, Heather." He said causing Savannah to look at him with an eye roll. They made an agreement but he flaked on her.

She wasn't worried though she knew Nate would pick her, "Nate you're the last man standing, you have to choose either Bianca or Savannah."

"Now you and Savannah have been coupled up already correct?" Nate nodded and then she allowed him to speak.

"I'd like to couple ip with this girl because she's been my friend and I feel like she should stay here on a friendship level until we both find the right one." 

Bianca and Savannah both looked at him skeptical, neither were sure of whom he was speaking of at the moment. Both girls were close friends with him.

"The girl I'd like to couple up with is Bianca." Bianca smiled, she was pleased with Nate's gesture. "Thank you." She said hugging him.

Everyone clapped seeing as though they were the last couple standing. Arielle's expression sadden once again seeing Savannah standing alone.

"So Savannah, all the boys are coupled up. That means your time on love island is over." She went over and gave him a quick hug.

"Aw," she pouted as they pulled away. "You have 30 minutes to pack your suitcase, and say your goodbyes." She ended with.

After she left all the islanders got up and went to hug Savannah except Zac and Fatima who stayed seated. "Can you girls help me pack?" She asked.

All the girls helped her even Caro and Bianca when they didn't want to but Fatima didn't want them looking like followers or mean girls on tv.

"So she told you i said I was going to pick her so that's why you asked Nate for a chat?" Zac asked and Fatima nodded.

"I wanted to talk to you about it but I knew we said we were open to new people so I just decided why not stick with our word."

"Yea but new people, Savannah isn't knew and I dodged her the first time so of course I wouldn't say that." Zac cringed at her lies.

He didn't like liars at all. "Well I'm glad we're still in the same bed." Zac added kissing Fatima's nose and she giggled.

"Do you think stuff will change with Heather in here knowing she's keen on you?" Fatima asked playing with her nails.

Zac looked at her with a stupid look thinking she just doesn't get it. "Fatima im going to touch your hand when I say this." He grabbed her hand.

"I don't like whites girls," he said super slow, after Fatima laughed just now realizing why he was dodging all of them.

"Well i don't like them in a relationship way, I don't need anyone trying to call me racist. I think they're beautiful but be in a relationship with them? No."

"Well that solves that," Fatima laughed again then they got up to send Savannah off. Happily.

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