11 - regrets

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Everyone was sitting around waiting for Brian and Casey to return from their date.

Fatima and Yamen went and had their fun but in the end fatima let it be known that she was pretty much secure AT THE MOMENT.


Zac and Fatima had a talk and she let him know why she chose to go on the date and he let her know why he was upset.

She stated that she doesn't like the narrative people push onto them as if they're just so stuck up each other's yk what's and wanted to branch out.

She and he knew that she didnt want to get to know anyone more than Zac or her main girls, he just had to be upset.

He was only upset because the date was optional and she said yes, when he went on a date he was voted into it.

So he felt like her just saying yes to a date was mad weird to him but after her explanation he understood and didnt put much energy in it anymore.

"I've got a text!" Bianca yelled out excitedly, "Omg yes yes!" She squealed as her and Caro read it and Fatima just laughed.

"Well could ya read it?" Daniel asked as he laid on Heather's leg, the boys laughed and some of the girls. Bianca rolled her eyes.

The girls except Heather are always so extra / Dan shut up because so are you lol - Daniel & Heather

"Islanders, while Casey and Brian are out enjoying their body shots we've delivered a game for you all to play
#mouthtomouth #idareyou"

"Ouu juicy!" Heather said smiling as Nate went to get the stack of cards, "Ouu I remember this game Caro remember?" Kyra asked.

I have no idea what's going on between Kyra and Caro but I wish Kyra would stop making it awkward for us - Nate

Caro looked at her stupidly, "Yea I remember Kyr, it was hilarious," Yamen stepped up to speak.

I just want to know is delusional written across Kyra's mind because huh - Heather

"Okay do this is how you play," Yamen grabbed the cards out and handed one of the instruction palets to Tima.

Zac eyed him slipping his hand over Fatima's waist to scoot her closer to him, Yamen noticed and backed off.

"So it starts with Tre because he's at the end, you'll hold the card on your mouth and suck in so it'll hold and pass it from Islander to Islander,"

"Theres dares and stuff on the card so whichever islander drops it has to do whatever the card says,"

The game started and they kept it going steady until Caro had to pass it to Daniel and they dropped it, "DAN!"

Caro yelped and they laughed, she rolled her eyes picking up the card and reading it aloud so they could alk hear.

"Name the hottest boy in the villa," She turned to her right and looked at Tre, "Tre of course, to me!" She smiled extra hard.

Okay seeing Caro and Tre makes me think we ALL need to slow it down a bit, it's only day 11 - Fatima

The round restarted this time with Caro going first, this time Daniel got it and passed it down to Heather who had to pass it to Kyra.

Kyra tried her best but dropped it, "Unt uh it's on her not me!" Heather said instantly, "um let me see," Kyra grabbed the card.

"Kiss the tallest islander, please everyone stand." Everyone stood up except Caro. She knew she was the shortest and had no intentions on kissing Kyra.

"Treeeeee!" Jacob dragged out, Caro looked up instantly. First off where the heck did Jacob come from and why does Tre have to be the tallest.

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