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"Wow I'm tired" Leo said as she laid herself down on the couch with Tuk sitting on her legs. The two girls got to spend extra time together since after school Y/N texted Leo asking if she could watch Tuk for a while which Leo obviously said yes.

"Leo I want some ice cream" Tuk whined. Leo looked to her left and right before telling Tuk to come closer.

"I have two bucket's of ice cream we can eat them but you can't tell anyone okay"

Tuk shook her head yes immediately and the two girls went to the kitchen to grab the ice creams. After they got it the two girls went back to the living room to watch a movie.

Half way into the movie Tuk fell asleep and had only eaten 4 spoon fulls of the ice cream. Leo smiled to herself before cleaning everything up, when she went to go sit down she heard her phone buzzing on the ground. Leo picked it up to see the caller ID was Y/N.

Y/N: I'm on my way

Leo stood up and started to grab of Tuk's items and stuff. When she went upstairs to see if some of Tuk's stuff we're in the play room she saw that her window was open. Leo raised an eyebrow and went to go close it.

As she went to close the window she heard a loud scream downstairs. Leo ran downstairs to see someone running out the door with Tuk in their hands and the house a mess. She ran after the unknown person to stop then but was too late when the person jumped into a car and ran off.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT OMG OMG" Leo yelled running back inside to grab her phone. She called Y/N waiting for to pick up after a few minutes of trying, Y/N finally picked up the phone.

Y/N: Why the hell a-

She was cut off by Leo's frantically yelling that Tuk has gotten kidnapped.

Hearing these words made Y/N's heart dropped and yell at Zack to hurry and drive the car. Zack was confused about Y/N's frantic screaming and yelling but just did what she said.

Once the two arrived Leo started to tell them everything that happened.

"I-i don't know I went upstairs to grab Tuk's stuff and the next thing I knew I heard screaming and when I went downstairs I saw someone running out the door and getting into a car" Leo said.

"Fuck do you think this was Xen" Zack asked Y/N who was now sitting on the couch crying her eyes out. She was crying to hard that she couldn't even answer Zack.

"Leo did you call 911" Zack asked Leo making her nod. Zack let out a loud sigh and walked over to Y/N and started to tell her that everything was gonna be okay.

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Xen, Tiana and Tuk we're all at Tiana house. Xen told Tiana to put the girl in a room that she had which Tiana obeyed instantly. After a few minutes Tiana came out of the room with a small smile on her face.

She walked over to Xen to give him a kiss for their successful plan. When she walked over to give him a kiss he pushed her away harshly making her fall down to the fall.

Tiana looked at him with worry, she didn't know why he did that. She did everything he asked her to do and always have. Tiana stood up dusting off her clothes hiding her sadness with a smile. She knew she would have to wait a little longer for Xen to finally see her.

"Tiana I'm gonna go back home, they've probably already called the police and I'm obviously a suspect and I have some things I need to clean up so I won't be taken away" Xen told Tiana before grabbing his things and walking out of her house.

Before Xen left he told her that he would be back and to not let Tuk out of her site no matter what.

Once Xen finally got home he immediately started to take down all the pictures of Y/N. Whatever picture, clothes, hair he had of her he put them all in a garbage bag to put in the trash can. After he was finished he doubled checked to make sure he didn't leave anything that would lead right back to him.

As soon as Xen was finished he heard knocking on the door. He walked over and opened it too see Zack, Y/N, Leo with two police officers. The police officer gave Xen a friendly smile then asked him if he knew anything about Tuk Lem.

"Sorry officer but no I've been here all day" Xen stated.

"XEN I KNOW YOUR LYING" Y/N yelled out loud. The officer turned around asking Zack to his Y/N under control or he was gonna have to take her into custody which made Zack and Leo angry.

"Sorry about that but can we come and take a look" the first officer asked which Xen agreed too. The officer walked inside and started to look around to see if their was any evidence of Tuk or something that would lead them to Tuk.

While the police officer was looking around Y/N was staring at Xen with glare. If a police officer was there Xen would've been dead she knew that she had to keep her emotions under control so she took a deep breath in and walked over to Xen confusing the police officer, Xen, Zack plus Leo.

"Look Xen whatever me and Zack did we apologize for it but if you know anything about Tuk or something please tell me what ever is going on between us you don't to bring Tuk into it" Y/N pleaded with Xen which only made him smile.

He thought Y/N looked so beautiful when she begged. Xen looked Y/N straight in her eyes putting both his hands on her shoulder to tell her that he doesn't know anything about Tuk going missing.

Zack walked over to say something to Xen but was cut off by the police officer walking out of the house holding a picture.

Xen's heart dropped wondering how he left something when he doubled checked.

"Sorry ma'am but there is nothing in there that is suggesting that he took Tuk but there is a picture of you and him" He gave the picture to Y/N letting her take a look.

The picture was of Y/N sleeping on Xen's chest while Xen was smiling and giving a kiss on her forehead. Xen, Zack along with Leo all came to see what it was. Once Xen realized what it was he took a deep breath of relief and grabbed the photo..

"Wow I remember this, this was when we were together don't you miss this Y/N" Xen asked smiling.

Y/N looked at him with a blank face and walked over to him putting her hand on his shoulder smiling.

"No I don't but you do know what I miss, I miss my fucking daughter that's missing" Y/N said before pushing Xen to the ground to attack him. She was pulled off by Zack and the police officer after a few and was now on the ground in handcuffs yelling.

"Ma'am your gonna have to come with us" The police officer told Y/N ignoring Zack and Leo's pleads to let her go.

Xen stood up wiping his bloody nose, he tood up with a smile and walked over to the police officer telling him that it was okay and to let her go.

"Are you sure sir"

Xen nodded he head yes making the police officer let Y/N go giving her a warning that if she did it again she would have to thrown in jail.

After everyone left Xen walked back inside to grab the trash bag that held all of his stuff to put them back on the wall and where they were supposed to be. Once he was finished he did his nightly routine and laid down on the bed smiling.

Everything was going according to plan.

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