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Xen opened the door to see Leo and some unknown police man. He wanted to scowl at Leo but knew he couldn't so he had to hold in his angry that was growing inside of him.

"How many I help you today" Xen asked with a fake smile on his face.

"Are you Xen King" Amair asked. Making Xen say yes, he knew that there was no point in lying since Leo was standing right there. So he knew that he had to be honest with everything he says.

"Well can we come inside" Leo asked in a rude tone making Xen give her a glare Which Leo gladly returned.

"Of course you can" Xen says in a cheery tone while opening the door wider so the two could walk in.

As soon as Leo and Amair walked in they were instantly hit with a strong smell of bleach. Leo looked at Amair to see how he would react and it seemed like he was already taking notes in his mind.

Xen told Leo and Amair that they could sit down while he makes them something to drink. Leo declined while Amair accepted.

"So what are you two here for" Xen asked already knowing what they wanted.

"Oh well we just wanted to ask you some questions about the disappearance of Y/N Lem, Zack Lem and their daughter Tuk Lem we thought that you could probably help us by giving all of the information you know" Amair said while standing up and walking over to Xen.

Xen gave Amair some tea to drink before sitting down in a chair. "Well as much as I would love to help you I honestly don't know anytime about their disappearance until you told me just now" Xen explained.

Leo smaked her lips in disappointment, she knew that Xen was lying straight through his teeth. She wanted to slap the black off of him at the moment.

"Ever since me and Y/N broke up I haven't been talking to her since" Xen added.

Amair said nothing and simple smiled before standing up and telling Xen that was all they needed to hear. Amair tells Leo that they got everything they needed and now are leaving making Leo confused and angry.

Once Leo and Amair got in the car, Leo looked at him like he was a mad man.

"What the hell Amair we didn't even ask him anything" Leo complained.

"I know, we have to go get a warrant to search the house Xen is Lying" Amair explained before driving off not noticing Xen staring at him and Leo through the window.

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At this time Xen was down in the basement cleaning up making sure that he had cleaned up all the blood and any evidence of Tiana, Tuk and Zack. He doubled checked multiple times before going to the shed to hide the body's completely.

While in the shelter he grabbed Tiana decomposing body and threw in a box that was in the corner. After he was done with that he went to grab Zack but saw that his body had maggots and flys all over him.

Xen held his stomach almost throwing up, he ran up the stairs back into the house to grab a mask, some gloves and some cleaning supplies before going back out to the shelter.

"God you're fucking disgusting" Xen mutter to Zack's dead body. Xen had removed all of the maggots and flys from Zacks body. His body was blotted and it looked like it was going to exploded any moment. So Xen decided to just poor acid all over Zacks.

After he was done and Zack was just bones, Xen decided to do the same to Tuk since she was already Bones and skin. Since Tuk's body was so small it didn't take him as long as he thought it would.

Once he was done Xen closed the shelter and locking it with multiple chains and locks to make sure that no once could come inside if he wasn't here.

Xen walked into Y/N's bedroom to see her in the corner playing with a piece of paper that was on the ground. He took a step forward wanting to talk to Y/N but realized that he smelt like chemicals and a rotting body.

So he closed the door and went and took a shower.

Y/N looked at the door wondering who came inside then went back to playing with her piece of paper. She thought that she had finally broke since she swore that she heard Leo's voice.

Y/N held her head tightly while rocking herself back and forth trying to make sure that she was still mental there. Her little rocking section was ruined when Xen walked in the room only wearing a towel on his waist.

"Y/N we are leaving in two weeks so be ready" Xen tells her before closing the door and walking away.

Y/N stared at the door with wide eyes wondering why Xen was trying to make them leaving. She started to think of plans to escape, if Xen was going to make them leave then that ment she had an chance to leave.

"Escape......escape.......escape" Y/N mutter to herself quietly while rocking herself back and forth again.

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It was now midnight and Y/N was still awake. She tried to push that button that Xen put in her room to call him but everytime she pushed it no one would come.

Y/N felt like she was going to go crazy, she was hearing Tuk and Zacka voice in the room.

"Mommy I wanna go home"

"Y/N let's go home"

The voices kept repeating themselves over and over. The voice starting to get louder and louder like they were yelling at her commanding her to take them home.

"Okay I'll take you home" Y/N yelled before crying.

"I'll take you home" Y/N sobbed.

Just after she said that the window in the room opened. Y/N didn't know how nor did she even question it. She walked over to the window ready to take her family home.

She put her bottom half out of the window

Then jumped

Well she tried. When she jumped her hair was instantly pulled up. She looked at while moaning in pain and saw Xen staring at her.

Xen pulled her back up into the room before closing the door.

He looked at her before walking over to her and kicking her in the stomach.

"You dumb bitch I'm gonna fucking kill you"

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