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Tiana didn't know why she was so attracted to Xen King. Everything about him was perfect, his hair, face, eyes, body everything about this boy was perfect so why didn't she have him? What the hell was so good about him?

Everyday Tiana would sit on her bed praying that Xen would notice her or even just spare her a glance but all of her prayers would just fail.

Then that day came, the day Tiana grew hatred for the girl Y/N sully.

The day Xen King confessed to her in front of the school.

The day Xen confessed to Y/N made her whole world ce crumbling down. Why would Xen even like Y/N, she didn't do anything and was always trying to get into someone's pants.

Tiana was mad and frustrated she did everything to get this man's attention and some slut comes and grabs his attention in a week.

Ever since that day Tiana has been planning on trying to get the to break up. She would try to frame Y/N.for cheating but that only made Xen stay closer to Y/N, she tried to make it seem like Y/N was into girls since her relationship with Leo was so intense but that didn't work either.

All of her plans failed and she was looking stupid but after two years when she was in her junior year that's when Tiana heard the news that Y/N had broken up with Xen for good and that he was going to jail for attacking her.

Tiana wanted to jump in joy, the love of her life was finally free from the sluts curse. Of course Tiana was sad that Xen would spending a year in jail for attempted rape and assault but when he got out he would instantly come crawling to her.

It didn't happen. Tiana was the one that had to go crawling to Xen. When he was released from jail Tiana talked to him but all Xen couldn't talk about was Y/N this and Y/N that. Tiana could see that Xen was still in love with Y/N so Tiana had to think of something for him to like her.

Tiana would soon come up with the plan that she would help Xen get back with Y/N but for her to do that he would have to give her whatever she wanted and of course Xen agreed the second she muttered those words.

Ever since that day Tiana has been in a "relationship" with Xen and wouldn't trade it for the world but deep down inside she knows that if she keeps helping Xen he will leave her and they could never be together.

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Tiana was in the guest room that had Tuk in it. She has tied Tuk in a chair that was facing the corner so she couldn't see who she was. Every time Tuk would cry or bed to be let go Tiana would have to walk out of the room.

The guilt this women was experiencing was horrible. Tiana didn't want to hurt this girl she didn't even want to kidnap her in the first place but when Xen threaten her saying that he would leave her forever and never look back.

So what did she do? She did exactly what he said like a dog on a leash.

After a long slow hour went by Xen finally arrived to Tiana's house. She didn't even know he came until he shook her shoulder awake.

"How long as Tuk been asleep" He asked walking over to the sleeping child. He lifted Tuk's head to see a large bruise on her head with a trickle of blood coming down. Once Xen saw this he instantly turned around and walked over to Tiana.

"Tiana what the hell!? Did you hurt her?" He whispered harshly while grabbing Tiana's shoulders tightly so she couldn't move.

Tiana groaned at the pain and told him that she got out and was trying to escape from the window and that she panicked.

Tiana was obviously lying but luckily Xen believe her. Xen sighed and told Tiana to grab a med pack so he could clean up Tuk. What really happened was that Tiana was thinking about what Y/N and how that Tuk could've been Xen's daughter and the next thing she knew-

Tuk was laying on the ground unconscious with blood spilling from her head.

Tiana shook her head trying to remove the nasty memory from her head. She walked into the bathroom grabbed the med kit and made her way back into the room.

After Xen was done fixing up Tuk, he grabbed Tiana's hand to walk her to her bedroom. He sat her down on the bed then started to tell her about the rest of their plan.

"Now we have Tuk all we need to do it get rid of that Zack and Leo and Y/N we'll be mine again" Xen said smiling to himself.

Tiana cringe then stood up to grab Xen's face. "Do we have to do this don't you think we are taking this to fa-" Tiana was cut off by hard slap to the face. She fell to the ground holding her face trying to hold on the tears that were threatening to fall out.

"If you ever try or say something like that again you're gonna end up like the little bitch in the other room" Xen said being leaving the room leaving Tiana on the floor.

Tiana sat up the walked to the bathroom to see her face. It was turning purple from the impact. She finally let the tears flow and was crying on the ground in the bathroom.

She loved Xen no matter what he did.

The things you do for love huh?

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