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Y/N didn't know when Xen was going to kill her, she honestly felt like he was just bluffing but frome time to time Xen would just come into the room and torture her for hours and hour until he got bored.

When Xen found his mother dead and saw Y/N. He just snapped, he wanted to rip Y/N throat open but he loved her to much to kill her so he decided on just making her life a living hell until he got bored of her.

At this time, Xen was in the kitchen making some dinner for the night. He was making some chicken Alfredo with some garlic bread for himself and for Y/N he had decided that she was going to the rest of his scraps...well that was if he had any.

While Xen was downstairs cooling Y/N was upstairs laying down on the bloody mattress imaging herself eating. The smell was filling her nose making her stomach growl in hunger. Looking to the side she saw a small animal sniffing around on the ground looking for some food.

Y/N sat up slowly trying not to scare the mouse and slowly made her way over to the animal. Then in flash she snatched the animal up with one hand and snapped its neck before bitting its head off.

"I'll have you for dinner, I just need a fire" Y/N whispered while putting the mouse body under the mattress. Looking around she saw Tuk and Zack staring at her with disgust. 

"What are you looking at" Y/N grumbled before turning her back towards them and picking at the ground.

"That was disgusting mommy" Tuk's shaky voice said making Zack hum in agreement. 

"Yeah she is right Y/N" Zack says before walking over to his wife. He bends down making sure he was close to her ear before telling her that she was a disgusting whore and that they would all still be alive if it wasn't for her.

Hearing those words and feeling Zacks cold breath on her made Y/N start to freak.

The girl was now screaming and running around the room. The sound of her screams made Xen roll his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What is she going on about now" Xen mumbles to himself before grabbing some headphones and putting them on.

"Honestly Y/N you should just give up on the hope that someone is going to save you" Zack says staring right at Y/N.

"I mean come on its been TEN WHOLE MONTH'S No one is coming for you...they already closed your case Y/N no one is looking for you and no one misses you they all moved on and I think it's time for you to do the same" Zack explains before fading into dust leaving Y/N all alone.

Y/N stops stood still staring at the spot Zack was in and then fell down on the ground balling her eyes out. She knew he was right and that she just needed to accept her faith.  She needed to move on from him, Tuk, her friends and her family. 

"You look fucking stupid"

Turing around Y/N saw Xen standing there holding a big plate of food. He walked over to Y/N and placed the food down in front of her while commanding her to eat.

Xen watched as Y/N scarffed down the food with amazement. 

"Damn Y/N you hungry hungry" Xen laughs while standing up and walking out the room.

It was now the next day and Xen was laying in his head watching the Y/N through cameras he had placed in the room. He watched as Y/N just laid on the mattress talking to the wall. While watching her Xen started to think that Y/N had learnt her lesson and that she could come out the room.

After alot of thinking Xen finally decided that he was going to let Y/N out of room and roam around.

He knew that Y/N wouldn't run away, he finally trusted her.

So early in the morning Xen had woke up Y/N and took her to the bathroom and gave her shower.

He washed her hair, detangled it and cut some of the dead hair off. After he was done with that he washed off all the dirt on her body and then helped her brush her teeth.

Xen then took her to his room and set on the bedroom. He left his door wide open to see if Y/N would try and run out but to his surprise Y/N actually stayed with him. It looked like she had no desire to run away.

He smiled to himself before grabbing on of his big t-shirts and helping Y/N put it on. After Xen was done he looked at Y/N smiled.

Xen softly grabbed Y/N face to make her look at him then kissed her on her head before asking her if she loved them.

"Yes I love you Xen" Y/N quickly responded.

Xen kissed her one more time before laying her down on the bed. He got on top of her kissing her body from head to toe showering her in love. Xen was so happy, all his work finally paid off, He finally got the love of his life.

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Both Leo and Mei were sitting at a table in a cafe waiting on Amair to come and tell them the news. Both of the girls were scared that he was going to to tell them they found Y/N but not alive.

Once he finally arrived he sat down with them.

"Ims Kerry to tell you this Leo but the police department had decided to close Y/N's case"

Leo raised an eyebrow "the hell does that mean" she asked.

Amair let out a sigh before telling them the news.

"I'm sorry Leo but we aren't looking got Y/N anymore"

"Wait why" Leo's said trying her hardest not to burst out in tears.

"Well it's been TEN months since Y/N has gone missing and our police department are losing hope and they aren't getting any new leads on anything so they just decided to close the case" Amair explained.

Leo started to cry.

She couldn't belive what she was hearing. The police were didn't even help that much but the second they start to they shut the case down.

It made her mad and frustrated. 

Leo stood up and grabbed her things and walked right out with Mei following shortly behind her.

The two girls were not at home in their bed sitting in silence.  Leo didn't feel like talking to anyone. The fact the police are letting another women down just hurts her. She wanted her friend back but she can't.

She has to live with the fact her friend might be dead for the rest if her life. Leo sighed and closed her eyes just hoping that this was a terrible dream.

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A/N: Next chapter is the end of FOLLOWED!!

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