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[Short Chapter]
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Both Zack and Y/N woke up to hear someone choking on something. Y/N opened her eyes to see that Tuk was moved closer to her and was laying on the ground chocking on something. White fizzy foam was coming from her mouth while her eyes were watery.

Y/N went over to Tuk trying to figure out what was happening on to be met with Tuk looking at her with fear and pain in her eyes. Tears were streaming down her face while gasping for what little air she could breathe in.

"TUK OH MY GOSH" Y/N screamed while trying to help Tuk the best she could. Zack would do nothing but just stare in fear and sadness, Tuk looked at her dad then back at Y/N and with one last gasp of air Tuk stopped moving.

The white foam kept coming from her mouth going down her face, her eyes went to the back of her head only showing white.

"Tuk..." Y/N called out only to get no reply.

"Tuk" Y/N said a little louder trying to hold the tears in the pain was to much for her. She screamed Tuk's name louder only to get silence.

Y/N tried giving Tuk CPR, mouth to mouth but all of attempts to bring back Tuk had failed all the poor woman could do was hold Tuk's body in her arms and hope that a miracle would happen.

Meanwhile with Xen and Tiana, Xen was woken up by the screaming and crying that was in the basement. Once he heard the screams and the cry's a big smile grew on his face.

His wicked planned worked. Xen got out of the bed quickly then made his way down to the basement. When he finally made he it was meet with the scene of Y/N holding Tuk's body crying quietly while Zack was crying the the chair. Xen rolled his eyes then made he way over to Y/N and crouched down.

Xen was now face to face with with Y/N but didn't even spare him a glance she had all her attention on Tuk.

He went close to Y/N's ear and whispered-

"Told you I would kill everyone you love"

He watched as Y/N's eyes grew wide she finally looked at him with murder in her eyes and as soon as Y/N tried to jump on Xen he backed away with a smile watching her fall down on the ground.

Y/N immediately started to cry she felt useless and like the dog she was a few years ago. Xen smirked and kicked Y/N in her stomach making her groan. He crouched down to the women then gripped her hair tightly whispering someone in her eye that made her cry even more.

Xen got up and made his way out of the basement.

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"Good morning baby" Xen said to Tiana before giving her a kiss. Tiana looks at him with shock, Xen only was affectionate when he was in a happy mood and that was like one every ten years.

"Wow you're in a good mood today" Tiana smiled. She walked over to Xen who was changing out of his PJ'S, she hugged him from behind with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I am but Tiana I need you to go to the store for me because I need some things" Xen says. Tiana asks if it was for the rats in the basement which Xen says no.

"Okay then I'll do it I'll be back in a hour or two" Tiana says while grabbing her things and leaving the house. After a few minutes of waiting to see if Tiana actually left Xen went down to the basement to see Y/N holding Tuk in her arms in a sleeping position.

He pulled her arm harshly to make her get away from Tuk. Once he finally got Y/N away from the dead body he picked up Tuk and put her over his shoulder ignoring the cry's of Y/N asking him where he was taking Tuk.

With Tuk's body he walked to the backyard where his underground bunker was then opened it. Xen threw Tuk's body in the bunker then walked away with a smile on his face.

The more horrible things Y/N see the more she would listen to him. He couldn't wait until tomorrow the day where all of his problems go away and he just gets to be with the love of his life.

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