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Y/N didn't respond to Xen's question which made his angry. He took a deep breath in then a deep breath out to make himself calm down. He obviously knew that Y/N was scared but if he was going to have her as his wife then she was going to have to get used to this.

"Now Y/N I'm gonna ask this one more time and if you don't respond your going to be this table not Zack" He says before grabbing a knife.

Y/N looked at him with obvious hatetred in her eyes then tells Xen that she would like him to go first.

Xen smiles then grabs small wooden bord for Y/N to hold. She looked at him with confusion wich Xen just smiled at her before taking out a small switch blade.

Before Y/N could even react Xen started to cut Zack's skin off. He start with his thigh, then his stomach and some of face. While he was taking the skin off he throw it on the wooden bord that Y/N held in her hand.

After Xen was finished he took a step back to see his work. Zack whole left leg was skinned, while some of his skin on his cheek was off and a big part on his right arm.

Y/N gagged at the horrible site she looked away not being able to look at her previous lovers state. She was going to look down but was only faced with the skin of Zack's, Y/N couldn't take it anymore and threw up on the ground.

The vomit got all over the ground and on her lap, which covers the skin.

Xen looked at the scene that was unfolding right before his eye. He gagged himself, he hated vomit or the smell of it and Y/N knew that that. He ran upstairs yelling at Tiana to clean up the mess down in the basement before going into a bathroom.

Tiana was now in the basement with a mask on her face, gloves on her hand holding bleach a mop and more cleaning supplies.

"You dumb bitch I know you did this on purpose" Tiana grunted before using the mop to make the vomit get into on big puddle.

While doing this she froze for a second then looked at Y/N who was holding her stomach.

"You know what why don't you clean this up" Tiana says before grabbing Y/N by the hair and smashing her face into the vomit.

Y/N tried her best to get up but her hand were to slippery from the vomit.

Watching Y/N struggle brung a smile to Tiana face.

While toying with Y/N Tiana didn't notice the figure that was behind her holding a bat over his head.

"I told you to kill this fucking mess up" Xen says before hitting Tiana in the head instantly knocking her out. He drops the bat and watches as Y/N slowly drags herself away from the vomit.

"Ew" He says before grabbing the cleaning supplies and cleaning the vomit up.

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Xen was finally done cleaning up and had tied Tina up and put her in the corner. She was crying, screaming and begging from him to let her out.

Tiana couldn't believe this, she has done everything for him. She had kidnapped and murdered for him and this is how he repays her. Tiana felt betrayed, she was hurting inside and wanted to die.

Xen took of his noise cancelling headphones then looked at Tiana. He asked her if she was done with her tantrum which made her start to scream once again.


Her scream was instantly turned into silence when Xen put the headphones back on his ears. He walked over to Y/N who was just staring at the ceiling and who still had vomit on her body and gave her a kiss on the head and whispered something in her ear before before walking upstairs.

"This is all your fault Y/N......THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT" Tiana yells at Y/N.

Y/N rolls to the side with her back facing Tiana then put her hands over her ears trying to block out all the screaming and yelling that she was facing.

After twenty minutes passed Tiana finally got tired of Yelling and now was just crying to herself.Y/N turned around now facing Tiana, and called her name weakling.

"What the hell do you want bitch"

"You...have taken everything away from me" Y/N's voice was dry and raspy, her eyes were red with visible eye bags.

Tiana looked at her with confusion wondering why the crazy women was now speaking to her.

"Yeah s-"

Tiana went instantly silent when Y/N refiled a knife she had in a her hands.

Tiana did everything she could do to break out of the restraints but all her attempts had failed. She could only watch as Y/N started to crawl her way over to Tiana.

She had tears running down her face, snot bubbles from her nose.

"You were the one who has ruined everything not me, you have taken EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME" Y/N yelled before stabbing Tiana in her throat making blood spray all over her face.

Y/N continued to stay Tiana in her throat over and over until she couldn't no more.

Y/N had stabbed her so many times that Tiana's head hanging off of her body.

Y/N looked at Tiana then immediately started to cry, she immediately felt regret and sadness for what had just done. She couldn't believe she had just murder someone.

What would Zack think?

What would Tuk think?

What would Leo think?

Y/N fell to the ground unconscious with the knife still in her hand.

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After three hours Xen came downstairs, he had forgotten about what he did Tiana and that he had those headphones on. When he opened the basement he was immediately hit in the face with the smell of fresh blood.

"Wait did she actually do it" Xen asked himself before walking down the steps.

He gasped when he saw Y/N laying on the floor in a blood of blood and Tiana body a few feet away from her with her head handing from her body.

"She actually did it, I was just playing" Xen said to himself before laughing.

He picked up Y/N holding her unconscious body in his arms and took her upstairs to his bedroom.

"Today was wonderful" Xen told himself as he lays Y/N down on his bed then lays down next to her holding her hip close to himself.

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