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Xen was in the kitchen sitting on a chair waiting for Tina to finish cleaning up all the blood on his face and hands. After some time the blood eventually came off which let Xen finally get up.

"So Xen are we gonna...you know" Tiana questioned Xen. He shook his head no telling her that he wasn't in the mood which made Tiana mad. She has done everything he asked her to do and the moment she wants something he turns it down.

"You know what Xen done I always do what you say so why can't you do one thing that I want" Tiana complained. Xen rolled his eyes and let out a sigh he stood up and grabbed her hand to take her upstairs.

He took her to the bedroom so they could have sex.

After an hour Tiana was asleep and Xen was looking at the ceiling thinking about what he just did.


Xen was sitting in the jail cell waiting for the police officer to let him know when it was time for him to go. Once the police finally told him he could leave he grabbed his things and immediately left.

Xen couldn't wait to see Y/N, he couldn't wait to apologize and for them to make up. He couldn't believe that he left his angry get the best of him and made him hurt Y/N. Xen wanted to throw himself off a bridge.

But then again if he did that then he wouldn't be able to see his love. Xen let out a little chuckle and walked home. Once Xen finally got home he immediately took a shower then changed his clothes. He needed to look nice for Y/N after he was done he looked in the mirror and smiled to himself.

"Wow I look fine" Xen laughed "let me stop let me stop" Xen grabbed his phone that was charging and made his way over to Y/N's house.

Xen was so excited to see Y/N he missed Y/N so much, her body, face, smile, the way she laughed and the way she obeyed everything he asked her to do like a dog.

He finally made it to Y/N's house to see the most horrible scene in his life. He saw Y/N sitting on a boys lap kissing him  with her friend Leo taking pictures of them both.

Xen couldn't even move the betrayal he felt in his heart was to severe. The fact that Y/N moved on so quick like their relationship was nothing to her made him want to die. Yeah they had some problem's but that didn't mean they had to break up.

He walked straight over to the three making their smiles drop and everything go silent.

"X-xen when did you ge-" Y/N was cut off by Xen instant yelling.


The boy stood up standing in group of Y/N making Xen not able to see her. Xen looked up to see a final clear look of the boy Y/N was kissing. It was that boy Zack, Xen squinted his eyes giving Zack a glare. He should've known, Zack was trying to get with Y/N ever since him and Y/N got together.

"Xen you need to back up" Zack says before pushing Xen back a little.

Xen looks his him dead in his eyes and tells him that if he ever sees him with Y/N again then he is gonna kill him. Then Xen looked at Y/N then smiled. "And if I ever see you again Y/N Im gonna do you worse than Zack" Xen growled before walking away leaving the three in shock and silence.

"Don't worry Y/N ain't nobody scared of him" Zack told Y/N. Leo let out a sigh wondering if what Xen was saying was true of if he was just all bark and no bite.

As the years went by Xen would constantly stalk an harass both Y/N and Zack. He would constantly call or text Y/N begging her to get back with him and leave Zack or would completely go threatening by saying that if she didn't answer or leave Zack he was gonna kill her.

One day it went to far when Y/N was at the grocery store shopping and didn't notice Xen right behind her. So when she turned around and bumped into him it was an awkward conversation for Y/N but a wonderful one for Xen.

"Oh hey Y/N" Xen said in a cheery tone, he smiled and watched as Y/N took a step back to put some space between to two of them.

"Hey Xen" Y/N mumble while looking down not able to make eye contact with him. Xen looked at Y/N's body to see that her belly looked a little bigger than usual. Not that Xen would care if Y/N gained a little weight he would still love her but her belly looked like....

Then it instantly clicked, she was pregnant and he had a strong feeling that it was that bitch Zack.

"Oh your pregnant" Xen asked looking Y/N in her eyes with smile to hide his pain.

"Y-yes me and Zack-"

"YOUR STILL WITH THAT CREEP" Xen yelled making people look at him which he didn't care, his attention was all on Y/N and Y/N only. He let out a frustrated sigh and walked passed her making sure his shoulder hit her's. After he paid for all of his things he went home and laid in bed.

Looking at the ceiling the wall was covered with so many pictures of Y/N. Since the two broke he couldn't move on everytime he tried to the girls were nothing like Y/N they weren't as obedient and as beautiful as her.

The thought of Y/N being pregnant made him excited. That baby could've been his, him having Y/N lay on the bed and doing whatever he told her to made him get hard. He sighed and un zipped his pants, Xen was gonna get you back so he started to make a plan.


And his plan worked the love of his life was in his basement along with the people he hated most in this world. Xen smiled and closed his eyes to go to sleep, his life was so good.

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