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The room was silent, no one dared to say anything. They all stared at Xen and Tiana. Xen told Tiana to take the gag off of Y/N which she obeyed and did. While Tiana was taking the gag off she was giving Y/N the nastiest glare which confused Y/N.

Once the gag was off Y/N calmly asked Xen why she was here.

"You should know why Y/N don't play dumb" Xen started to say before walking over to Zack. He took out a switch blade and held it close to his neck. "Y/N you left me alone in a jail cell for a year and forgot about me, I gave you everything and this is how you repay me" Xen says while pointing at Tuk.

"Look Xen what-" Y/N was cut off instantly by Xen.

"Did I say you could talk" Xen asked which made Y/N stayed silent.

"When I was in jail I was thinking about how when I got out we were gonna forgive each for this whole stupid situation but once I got out an heard that you moved on I just wanted to hurt you."

"But I knew I couldn't do that I love you to much to do that so I started to think and thought what if I just hurt the ones she loves" Xen says while walking over to Tuk and pulling her up by her hair. Tuk whined, she pulled her hands up to try and push herself away from him but only made Xen hold tighter on her hair.

He put the knife close to her neck adding pressure. Xen looked Y/N dead in her eyes and gave her a smile.

"But I could never kill a kid" Xen threw Tuk on the ground and put his foot on her head smushing her head into the ground.

"But I can hurt them"

Xen takes his foot off of Tuk and grabs her head hitting it into the ground until blood comes out.

Tuk was crying and screaming for Y/N and Y/N could do nothing but watch with tears in her eyes. Everytime she tried to look away Tiana would force her head up to look at the horrible scene.

Zack was crying and trying his best to get out of the rope to help his little girl but every attempt was nothing.

After a few minutes of hurting Tuk she finally went unconscious worrying both Zack and Y/N.

"You know Y/N none of this would've had happened if you didn't leave me and got with this piece of shit" Xen says pointing at Zack.

"Tiana go upstairs"

"Wait wh-" She was interrupted by Xen telling her just to listen. Tiana sighed and started to walk up the stairs but stopped when Xen called her name.

"Tiana after I'm done tomorrow we'll spend the whole day together" Xen says with a smile making Tiana smile and hurry upstairs. After she left Xen looked at the door and saw that she left it opened.

He sighed, walked upstairs closed the door and walked back down.

"I hate that bitch" Xen muttered loud enough for Y/N to hear.

He walked over to Y/N then crouched down to make them face to face. Xen grabbed Y/N's face tightly and kissed her. His hands were roaming all around her body, he pushed on the ground making her lay on her back and got on top of her.

Y/N kept trying to push him of but Xen was to strong. He kept kissing her lips, neck and head, every kiss got sloppyer and made Y/N want to throw up.

"I've waited for this for so long" Xen mumble in between kisses.

While Xen's attention was on Y/N. Zack finally broke out of the ropes he stood up as quiet as he could then walked over to where Xen left the knife. Zack grabbed it and ran towards Xen pushing him off of Y/N.

"The f-"

Xen fell to the ground while Zack got on top of him cutting him with the knife. Zack got his arms and face, then threw the knife over to Y/N and started to punch Xen in the face.

Xen started to scream for Tiana which Zack ignored. Zack stood up and started to stomp on Xen in the stomach.

The basement door opened to show Tiana standing at the top of the stairs with a gun. She shot it at Zack hitting him in his leg. He fell to the ground letting Xen get up, Xen wipes the blood of his nose then shit Zack a glare.

Xen kicked Zack so hard in the face that his nose broke. Xen got on top of Zack then started to punch him and he didn't stop until he was just like him. After he was done and saw that Zack was unconscious he stood up and looked at Tiana thanking her for the help.

Xen looked at Y/N who was quietly crying in the corner. He rolled his eyes and told Tiana to wait for him then waited for her to leave.

Y/N looked at Xen and could see the murder in his eyes. He walked over to Y/N not seeing the knife that Zack threw at her during their little commotion. Xen started to pet Y/N continuing to say all of the nice things he was saying before he was rudely interrupted.

"Y/N I love you so much I can't wait till I remove all of the distractions and we get to start fresh and new" Xen calmly told Y/N before he stood up and made his up the basement.

"Goodnight my love" Xen says before closing and locking the door to the basement.

Y/N was sitting in the dark with her unconscious daughter and husband laying on the ground across from her. She sighed pulling her knees closer to her chest closing her eyes.

Y/N was shaking, she had a strong feeling of what Xen ment when he said they were gonna start new and fresh and she didn't like it.

Y/N knew she had to do and she had to do it quickly before something bad happens to her family.

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