Mission impossible, or?

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The day had come, Lilith's birthday and the mission. Devan sat with Lilith and Adelia at the breakfast table, "I think I am done" Devan said and walked to the door when Lilith stood up "But where are you going?"

"Eh well, too by you a present of course!"

"To me? Thanks!" Devan called for a taxi and went to Mark's. Mark told him that the man was going to the jewelry store, "so... I don't get that cool things that batman gets?"

"What do you think?"

"I guess not". The jewelry store closed early today and Devan managed to sneak in, he was looking for the man, and didn't notice that someone was following him. He turned and saw the man with a gun that pointed at him, he pulled the trigger but Devan was faster and dogged the bullet. He ran up to the second floor of the store and searched for his gun in his pocket, "fuck", he forgot his gun and took out instead a knife. Devan could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer, when he saw that the man was near him Devan jumped and struck down the gun from the man's hand. He hit him in the face and the stomach, Devan pointed his knife at the man, but he blocked the attack. Devan dropped the knife and the man pushed him to the ground and started beating him in the face, Devan's face was covered with blood. "Well little boy, I think its over now. Would you like to meet you dad in heaven?" Devan got angry and punched him so he could get up, the man fell on the floor and his head and had hard to see where he was going. "My dad want revenge, I think you will see him in heaven!" when the man looked at Devan was he already late, Devan pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. Then bullet got trough his head, the blood was everywhere even on Devan's clothes. Devan looked at the watch on the wall, "oh God, her birthday I am gonna miss it! I don't even have present!" He looked around and saw a beautiful necklace, "that will do it!". When he was outside of the building, some police officers stop him. "You are got to be kidding me!", the put him in to the car and locked him there. "Hell! What am I gonna do now!" Devan took out his phone and called Mark, "Hello"

"Hey Mark, remember that you owed me something"


"Well I need you now!"

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