Talking shit

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Devan walked down from the stairs and tough about the night before, he remembered how he explained about the house. He walked i to the kitchen and saw Adelia cook some egg and bacon, "what the hell are you doing?"he asked, she turned and put the bacon on the plate "I am making breakfast, and please don't swear in front of the child". She sat down next to Lilith and gave her the plate "do you want some to?" Lilith asked with a smile, Devan sat down i front of her and took a bacon from the plat in the middle. When they finished, Adelia took the dishes while Lilith washed her hands. "Wow look at the time, I think I have to go see ya!" he said and walked to the door when Lilith came running towards him. "Can I go with you, please!" Devan turned his head and looked at Adelia, "don't make me take her with me" Adelia looked at Lilith and saw her puppy eyes "pretty please!". Adelia looked down at first and then said "I suppose nothing could go wrong, she needs some fresh air",Devan rolled his eyes "ah, alright come on" he open the door and watched Lilith jump out with joy. He took out his phone and pushed some buttons and held it against his ear,he could hear a manly voice. 

"Hey man, what's up'?"  

"I am gonna tell you what's up, I am gonna kill you Mark!" 

"Jesus Christ Devan, calm down!"

"Don't tell me to calm down you son of a-"

"Oh my God. Can we speak this face to face?  

"So I can kick your ass, yes thanks! Meet me at the park"

"Wait! I did not mean like that, and why the park?"

"Don't ask, see you there"

Devan was sitting on a park bench looking at Lilith who played with some other kids her age, then he saw Mark sit next to him. "Ok, what is it?"

"Why didn't you tell me the shitty cobs where here, and how did you escape?" 

"Well at first, my computer didn't "feel" them. I don't know how that was possible, they probably had some virus ore something that messed it up"

"And how did you escape?"

"Well, i had also a plan B. I succeeded to turn my computer of the radar so they couldn't find me, but when I saw you get cough I tried to help you but they where to many. So I waited to my computer and search you and found out that you are babysitting. If i could, I would have helped you I really would.

"Ok you won this time, but you owe me" Devan said and gave him a smile and pointed at him, Mark smiled and gave him a pat on the back. "How is the babysitting going?"

"Well is not the hardest thing in the world, she is just a little girl"

"Mm, and I also saw an old lady go with you and the girl. Who is she?"

"She is Adelia, ore how I call her, Mrs Old" both started to laugh hard, Lilith noticed a man who sat next to Devan and run to him. "Well this is the girl I am gonna take care of, Lilith this is Mark"

"Its nice to meet you sir, I am gonna go and play now, bye godfather, bye Mark!" she run to the other kids who was waiting for her and immediately started to play when she arrived. "The kid is showing respect, she had probably good parents, but are you her godfather?" 

"Thats what I don't understand, I am no ones godfather and probably not gonna be one either"

"Then why are you taking care of her?" 

"I don't know man, I don't know"

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