Chapter 12- Dreamvisiting

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Instead of heading towards Clearsight's room I headed back to mine. I opened the door and swept the crumpled papers of failed maps away with my tail, and walked towards my bed. I stretched out and lied down on the soft pillows. I decided that giving Clearsight the map in the morning would be a better idea. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Soon after falling asleep I started to become restless, I kicked my legs, trying to escape something that wasn't there, but eventually my eyes fluttered open. Around me a thick fog surrounded my body, trapping me. I couldn't see anything beyond the fog, everything was pitch black, and the air was chilly, but that didn't bother me, if anything it felt good. I spun around in place, searching the darkness for something, but to no avail I couldn't see anything, but I could hear something. The sound of talons scraping across rocks started growing louder until a tall black dragon materialized out of the fog. I took a step back in surprise and fear, until I recognized that the dragon was Darkstalker. Darkstalker had a scowl on his face, his wings snapped back at attention, and his talons gleaming with menace. "Shiver." His voice echoed through the darkness, "You and the rest of the IceWings will soon pay for what you did." He flexed his talons and smiled eerily. "What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice wavering. Darkstalker chuckled, "I'll give all Icewings a punishment they deserve. Especially you. I know you were a part of some kind of IceWing plan all along, anyone who works with Diamond is a lying backstabber, especially if they're an IceWing." He growled. "You weren't sent here just to give my father a letter, if that was the case why haven't you gone back yet?" I opened my mouth to answer, but Darkstalker cut me off again. "It's because Diamond sent you to watch me and my family, so she could strike and use her magic to steal mother away from me." His voice choked a little bit at the end, and his wings started drooping. "Darkstalker, I'm sorry I really have no idea what you're talking about. Whatever happened, I wasn't involved." I raised my talons up non-threatenly. Darkstalker hissed, "Liar!" He barked angrily, "Don't play dumb with me IceWing, what did you do to my mother, what is Diamond doing to her?" He stepped closer to me glowering angrily. I shook my head, "I don't know!" Darkstalker growled, "Fine. You'll pay for this IceWing, I will make sure you feel the pain that all the IceWings deserve." He turned away angrily and disappeared back into the shadowy fog.
My eyes shot open and my whole body shivered as if insects were crawling across my scales. "Was that a nightmare?" I stood up, still shaking from the 'dream'. I peered into one of the mirrors that hung on the wall, "If that was a nightmare..." I said thinking aloud, "Then why did it feel more like having a real conversation, as if he reached out to me in my dreams to tell me this." I shook my head trying to clear the nightmare out of my brain, "Was it an enchantment? Did he enchant something to talk to me in my dreams? Or was this a secret hidden NightWing power?" I paced back and forth in the room nervously, "Should I be scared?" I asked myself aloud again, "What should I do... Should I tell someone? Clearsight maybe?" I looked down at the map I was planning on giving her, "No... she worries about enough things already... I don't want to worry her about this." I sat down on the floor looking at my pouch that lay on the nearby table. "Should I enchant something to protect myself?" I wondered out loud, "What if that prophecy that Lostthought told me is coming true already?" I stood up and grabbed my pouch, "I have to talk to her now." I ran out the door adjusting my pouch, heading towards her house.

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