Chapter 6- The rise of Darkstalker

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We had made it to the Ice kingdom, and were greeted by some guards outside a giant ice wall surrounding the border. The guards gave the two SeaWings a bracelet and let us through after. It felt strange going back to the Ice kingdom after all these years, but I forgot how much I missed it. The icy chill of the air, the snow and ice crunching beneath my talons, all of it I didn't realize how much I missed being home. Tears rose up to my eyes due to the feeling of nostalgia, but I blinked them away. As we were walking I saw a new building in the distance, it was an icy dome, with a light at the top. We walked inside and there were more IceWings posted inside. A dark gray IceWing with lighter blue gray wings that faded to white approached us, "You must be the IceWing that Queen Pearl told us would be arriving, she says you have a strange story to tell?" He looked at me curiously. Algae spoke up, "It is a very peculiar story, not believable at all... I mean seriously, none of it adds up." Cloud chuckled, "Interesting, I can't wait to hear it, and see what Queen Diamond says." He waved his talon, "Come along now, we're going to the palace." The SeaWings and I started following him before he stopped, "Wait, you two SeaWings have to stay here, or you will freeze, the gift of diplomacy only allows for you to go so far into the kingdom." Barnacle started to protest, "But, Queen Pearl wants to know why this IceWing is making all those weird claims and showed up in our kingdom first." Cloud shrugged, "Sorry, I don't know what to tell you." "Can't Queen Diamond meet us here?" Barnacle asked. Cloud shook his head, "Diamond doesn't like leaving her palace to meet outside tribes, sorry." He shrugged again. Cloud and I walked outside and spread our wings to fly in the direction of the palace. And I overheard the two SeaWings mutter, "Those conniving IceWings, they're obviously up to something." Cloud and I stepped outside, back into the icy cold. "By the way, what's your name?" Cloud asked, flying next to my side. "Oh, my name is Shiver." Cloud nodded, "So, what exactly is your story? I haven't ever seen you around, and you're not wearing any kind of necklace to show what rank you are." Cloud paused for a moment and lowered his voice, "Are you a rank seven?" I tilted my head in confusion, "No... I was in rank three, what are you?" Cloud barked a laugh for a second, and pointed down at his necklace that had three lines engraved into it, "That's the rank I'm in! So... obviously you're lying or you haven't seen the wall in a while." I laughed a little, "Oh, well yes it's been 2,000 years so... You take a guess." Cloud made an interesting humming sound, "Fair enough I guess... Where exactly have you been for those 2,000 years?" He looked at me curiously. "Well, if I told you you wouldn't believe me..." Cloud made a sad sound, "Oh come on, I might not believe you, but I still want to know!" I thought for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Alright... fine. There's another continent far away from this one, Pantala is the name of it. Years ago when all of the Scavengers dens were burned down The BeetleWing Queen murdered the RainWing Queen, and then was promptly sent off to the ocean, however they found a content and settled it, and that's where I lived." I concluded my short re-telling of the events. "Hm. Okay I have a few questions." Cloud said, confusion covering his face. "Okay, ask away." "One. What is a BeetleWing?" I slapped my forehead, "Oh yeah... there was none left on this continent, they were all sent off. A BeetleWing is like a bigger RainWing? They can shoot venom, but it's not as potent as a RainWings. They can also produce silk from their wrists, some were more special though and could produce silk with fire, called flamesilk. But their appearance is bright colors like a RainWing but built bigger." Cloud made an awe sound, "That's pretty cool. Okay, question two. Why did you go with them, you don't look part BeetleWing?" I paused for a moment, "I-I don't know if I can say that." Cloud tilted his head, "Alright...? I won't push that one." We were quiet for a while during the flight after that.
Right when we landed in front of the palace Cloud opened the big icy doors and led me through to the Queen's throne room. The IceWing sitting on the throne I assumed to be Queen Diamond looked up at us. "Ah, he's finally arrived." Diamond walked down her throne and circled around me, looking at me curiously. "I've heard great things about you, Shiver." she smiled. I smiled back, "I'm not sure what you heard? I'm surprised I wasn't completely forgotten." Diamond nodded, "You were by most, unfortunately. However I had heard a legend about you, and I assume that it's true since you're still standing today." I chuckled, "Yeah... 2,000 years, most don't live that long." "Except you have magic!" Diamond exclaimed, "You're special. How much magic have you used? Or have you lost count." Diamond asked. I thought for a moment, "Nine, but they were all small." Cloud looked at me with wide eyes, "Diamond, I'm not sure they're safe." Cloud said cautiously. Diamond waved her talon at him dismissively. "Perfect. A little overuse of magic, but still not too much. I have a proposal for you, if you're up to taking it." I looked at her curiously, "What is it?" "I would like you to go to the Night Kingdom and meet a hybrid dragon named Darkstalker." I looked at her confused, "Okay, continue... What do you want me to do when I get there?" "I need you to speak to his father, Arctic, he's an IceWing as well, so he'll understand. When you get there, give him this." She handed me a rolled up scroll. I thought for a moment if I should take the offer or not, but eventually I agreed. Diamond handed me a map of the continent and pointed to where the Night kingdom was marked. "In case you don't remember where the Night kingdom is, it's down here. Just follow this path." Diamond dragged her talon across the map making a curved line from the Ice kingdom towards the Night Kingdom. I nodded and put the scroll in my pouch along with the map. The territories haven't changed much since I last left those 2,000 years ago. I spread my wings and started flying towards the Night kingdom, only stopping twice to eat and drink something. Eventually I reached the border of the kingdom and cautiously walked in. Hopefully no NightWing guards would try and stop me like they did in the Sea kingdom. When I stepped into the Night kingdom rain started sprinkling from the sky, leaving water mist on everything it touched. In the distance I noticed the black marble palace was lit up with lights, and very faint music came from that direction. "Must be throwing a party. I guess the new NightWing queen liked throwing parties? Who was the NightWing queen?" I looked down at the map where it read Queen Vigilance next to the drawing of the palace. I walked further into the kingdom. "How am I supposed to find Arctic? Sure he's an IceWing and will stick out like a sore talon, but where do I even begin looking for him, or this Darkstalker character?" I shook my head, "Maybe I should introduce myself to Queen Vigilance and request for the two on behalf of Queen Diamond's orders." I headed towards the palace where the music and talking between dragons started getting louder and clearer. I walked up to the large entrance where NightWings eyed me skeptically and whispered amongst themselves at the sight of me. Two NightWings wearing thick metal armor approached me, "Who are you IceWing? Were you sent by Arctic or Diamond?" I shook my head yes, "That's precisely it. Queen Diamond sent me here to find Arctic, and I think I'll talk to Darkstalker as well?" The two NightWings looked at me as if they didn't believe my excuse. "Let's take him to Queen Vigilance, and see what she says about this."

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