Preferences #1 - Their Favourite Thing About You

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(I'm not gonna do the whole how you meet n stuff as I think imagination is integral in this stuff, plus I don't want to do this stuff in order. Also I've never written preferences before so here goes!)

The Seven:


His favourite thing about you is absolutely the height difference between you two, it makes him feel more powerful and protective, it's definitely an ego boost. Now he'd never admit this but he also finds it extremely adorable when you get pouty when you try to hug him but can't get your position right to do so. He'll just laugh at you before lifting you up by the thighs, making you wrap your legs around him and hugging you that way.

The Deep:

His favourite thing about you is how much you care about him and the things you like, for example when he finally showed you his gills he was surprised when you just looked at them in awe, like they're the most incredible thing in the world. Or when you went on a walk by the ocean and almost cried because you nearly stepped on a baby crab. You ended up scooping it up and letting it into a safer spot, it made Deep feel so lucky to have you.

Black Noir:

His favourite thing about you is how patient you are with him, he of course can't speak so trying to communicate things can be difficult sometimes. However you always wait patiently, never rushing him and always telling him to take his time. Sometimes he'll write things down or text you, and he loves the small smile you get when you read the things he says, even if they're something mundane like "Hi." or "You ready to go?" He will hug you out of the blue when he feels just how much you care about him.


His favourite thing about you is your laugh. He'll always tell stupid puns or jokes just to hear the sound of your voice in such a happy way. Though he always tries to dodge your playful smacks when one of his jokes gets a bit too dirty. 

Queen Maeve:

Her favourite thing about you is your eyes, she can somehow always tell how you're feeling with a simple glance at your eyes. She also adores the colour of them, she'll find herself just staring into them at the most random moments, leading to you needing to snap her back into reality. She finds comfort in them, they make her feel that no matter what happens, she'll always have your eyes to lose herself in, especially after a stressful day.


Her favourite thing about you is your creativity and quick thinking. Whenever there's a boring moment and she says, "I'm bored." you always have an idea in mind, like "Lets go for a walk and see how many ducks we can find at the park." or "We could order out and binge that new show." She loves those moments, though when you two are helping The Boys and they need a plan you always tend to come up with the most risky plans, only sometimes does everyone actually agree on one of your ideas.

The Boys:


His favourite thing about you is your taste in music. You two might not always agree on what songs are best, but he loves how passionate you get and he'll sometimes purposely pick an argument about your favourite songs just to watch you go on a rant about why said song is awesome and teasing him about being tone deaf.


His favourite thing about you is how you literally do not give a shit about his temper and attitude. You don't back down when he gets pissy or yells, in fact you usually yell back, always standing up for yourself against him. Sometimes you manage to get him to dial it down and chill out, he loves the fight in you and it makes him smirk every time you get that look on your face as you tell him off.


His favourite thing about you is how spontaneous you are. You once dragged him to a concert that took you three days to get to via a road trip because you just, felt like you two should have a break. He always knows when you feel spontaneous when you get a certain look in your eyes and a specific smirk on your lips. Sometimes he has to explain why you can't do a thing (Like breaking into the aquarium at night to scribble faces on the glass so when the fish come up people will laugh.) but he always promises to find something else for you two to do.


Her favourite thing about you is your touch. You always touch her so softly, so gently and kindly, whether with a simple hand hold or with a tight hug. She's scared of how violent she can get and is scared she'll hurt you, but your touch always reminds her that you love her no matter what she's done or maybe even will do. She always insists on holding you when she goes to bed, always. It comes to the point where she can't sleep without touching you in some way and always waits for you to come to bed.

(ACK THIS WAS HARD. A-Train's is the shortest because I wasn't sure I'd even include him and I just had no idea what to put for him. Anyways enjoy, and if you're here from Tumblr, Hiya! Hopefully I'll put more stuff in this book on a slightly regular basis but no promises. Bye!)

The Boys Imagines/Preferences (NO MINORS! 18+) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now