Baby We're Happy - Black Noir x Reader (Family Fluff)

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(Based off a little random blurb thing I wrote on Tumblr.) (Name on Tumblr is fandomferretagain btw.) (Little side thing, I really appreciate everyone who reads and votes, it keeps me motivated even if I don't feel like my writing is worthy. All the love to you who keep up the support <3)

Notes/Warnings: Female reader, angst? fluff, slight breastfeeding, harassment, swearing, I don't really make warnings anymore but I'm trying, might have missed something idk.

Plot: Noir and Reader struggle with a baby, his work, his issues, the media/public etc. I'm not really sure what I'm doing, as per usual. Signing is in this font.

(Second person Pov.)

Having a baby is never easy. Having your first baby is hard. Having a baby with one of the world's best superheros is quite honestly a nightmare most days.

Everyone wants in on your personal life, that's something you've gotten used to while dating and eventually marrying the famous Black Noir, but it never bothered you. You could easily shrug it off with a fake smile and some non specific, generic reply, but not anymore.

Being pregnant was difficult, Earving wanted to hide it for as long as you both could, not wanting to stress you out or make people come after you as it's always been a risk. You wanted it out of the way, to just tell people so it didn't come back to bite you both, but in the end you both agreed to hide it until you knew the baby wasn't in immediate danger health-wise. Of course it was front page news, the attention making you sicker than the pregnancy as the horrible things people said affected you more than the majority of kindness people felt for your growing family.

After the birth, you stayed out of the public eye for a while, Earving only leaving your side to get necessities or the very occasional, genuinely important Vought meeting or PR stunt. Your beautiful little son was the most important thing now, he took all your attention and love, all your energy and breath. Nothing mattered more than this small being that you and your husband created, despite the challenges.

But as your son makes it to four months, your lives are becoming more stressful than anything. The media is breathing down Earving's neck, begging for more intimate details on his home life, on his wife and child and all the usual bullshit of being a celebrity. He comes home nearly in an anxiety attack at least once a week and you can't say you blame him, he's treated poorly by nearly everyone around him and it breaks your heart.

Today is no different, he's off being used as a product for lining Vought's pockets and boosting the company's reputation while you stay in your private home caring for your child and wishing you didn't feel like the worst mother on the planet. Your little boy, Elliot, is sick with a minor cold and small lung issue that doctors say will be fine with time and medication, so of course the pain of watching your child suffer while you can't do anything is taking a small toll.

During the mid afternoon, you're sitting in a rocking chair in the adorable little nursery that your loving and dutiful husband did his best in setting up while you were pregnant. You've been trying to get the wailing infant to nurse from your breast for nearly an hour now, but nothing can convince him it's what he needs. After another 10 minutes you just give in and try a bottle, it works for a little while but soon he just won't take it, leaving tears of frustration to prick at your eyes.

"Eli please, mommy's trying here, I just want you to stay healthy. Why are you so against me?" 

Your voice is full of audible exhaustion and frustration, but you know it's not his fault, Elliot's only a baby and can't understand why he's in pain or why you feel like this. Slowly you stand and begin gently running your fingers along his back, gently holding him to your chest as you tidy a few things. His cries have quieted but are still ongoing, your head beginning to pound from lack of rest and nutrition yourself, but you just keep telling yourself, 'This kid is everything, it's all for him.'.

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