Silent Love - Black Noir x Reader (FLUFFS)

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(I GOT A BUNCH OF HEADCANONS FROM A LOVELY ANON ON TUMBLR AND I WANNA DIE. Fair warning I do not know any Asl or any sign language so please bear with me. Also yes, I know, dumb title but whatever. :P)

Prompt: Earving living with Y/n and her being the sweetest thing about his disabilities and loving him, so very fluffy hopefully. His main disabilities that I'll be mentioning are his blind eye and probable deafness, both on his left side.

Signing will be in italics... at least I think that's what this, is called.

(Y/n's Pov.)

I know I'm not a supe, nor do I have any real abilities, but somehow I managed to snag the heart of one of the worlds best superheros and I feel like the luckiest human in the world. Black Noir has been my boyfriend for six amazing years and I wouldn't give up my life for anything.

The media has always loved talking about our relationship, always trying to get the juicy details on everything. But even though it can get overwhelming sometimes, Noir is always checking on me to make sure everything is alright, be it with a simple hand squeeze, a quick signing of "Are you okay?" and other little things that make me feel so loved.

Today is a bit different however, it's our six year anniversary and Ashley, along with the PR team decided to have us do this special interview on a local morning broadcast. Now neither Earving nor I really like going all out about things like anniversaries or celebrations, we prefer to have small, meaningful moments together, just us. So this will probably be a bit uncomfortable but by now I'm used to the incessant personal questions and get through it each time just fine.

As the make up artist messes around with my face I see him looking over at me, in his full Black Noir suit, his head tilted slightly as he watches the woman put some kind of blush on my cheeks.

"Could you give us maybe 5 minutes please? Thank you." I softly ask the makeup woman and she gives a shy nod before stepping out of the small room, leaving me and Earving alone.

"I'm a bit anxious honestly." He signs, slowly standing and walking over to stand in front of the chair I'm sitting in, his back to the mirror in front of me. I gently place a hand on one of his gloved ones and squeeze it.

"Me too baby, but we can do this, we will ace this and then, we can go home and relax. Maybe have a nice, long and warm bath hm?" I smile softly and gently kiss the tips of his gloved fingers. I keep my voice soft, but not too  quiet as I know he has difficulty hearing me sometimes, mainly when I'm standing to his left.

"That sounds amazing. You are amazing." 

"I know I am." I smirk with a bit of a cheeky tone in my voice as I stand up, gently placing a hand on the left side of his face, being careful not to press against the fabric too hard as I slowly lift the lower part of his face cover, revealing some burns and scars against his neck and jaw.

The sight did surprise me when he first felt trusting enough to show me, but I was never disgusted or horrified like he'd expected me to be. Instead my first instinct was to place gentle kisses over them, that was the first time I'd ever heard him sigh, though it was a quiet and shaky one, it made me feel content.

I do the same as I did back then, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck, the underside of his jaw, his cheek, then finally a soft, loving kiss right against his lips. He smiles into it a little and gently squeezes my hips, as if silently saying 'Mine.' I then chuckle softly at the hint of possessiveness and pull the mask back on properly, as if nothing had been moved out of place at all.

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