Water - The Deep x Reader

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(Based off my fear of whales and oceans. Yes... they're terrifying, SUE ME. I've only been freaked out by them both for like maybe 2-3 years now. Yay. I also literally had no ideas until thinking about the word fish for a while so yeah, hopefully this isn't crap.) (Gonna try it in a different Pov cuz I read too much on Tumblr.) (Cringey name idk but whatever.)

(The Pov where it's written as 'you' someone please tell me what it's called because Idk what it's called and idk if "3rd person" works.)

"I'm not going in there, you can't make me. It's wet and cold and there are fish in there." You huff, sitting in the sand while The Deep looks at you with an amused and slightly frustrated eyeroll.

"Babe c'mon, I'm The Deep! I can literally tell them to leave the area if you want me to. Just try it, you like swimming in pools so I know you like water." 

He's waist deep in the water already, in his "The Deep" suit as usual, no matter how hard you try, you just can't convince him to wear anything else in public. It's understandable he'd want to be careful of his gills and all, but it still can be annoying when he complains about being too hot, especially after you try to get him in something more breathable. 

"Kevin, swimming in a pool and swimming in the ocean are two very different things. Also, fish aren't so bad, kind of, it's- it's whales. If I even hear one I'd probably drown myself to avoid it."

You're a bit ashamed now, feeling embarrassed and stupid for having such an irrational fear, but it's something you can't control. Sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest, arms around them with your chin resting on your arms, you avoid looking in his direction. Your eyes gaze over the very beautiful water line that stretches back for miles, though the intrusive thoughts sneak in and it becomes harder to think.

Kevin wades back in toward you and gets on his knees directly in front of you, putting one hand on your knee and gently placing his palm on your cheek. His thumb lightly moves under your chin, tilting your head up to get your eyes to meet his.

"Y/n, I promise I won't force you, I just think maybe sometime you should try it, even if it's only for a minute. I'm serious though, I'll keep any fish or whales away from you, though some of them are pretty chill. I mean this one tuna-"

You interrupt him by pressing your lips to his, nothing passionate or over the top, just a simple, chaste kiss before pulling back. He looks stunned for about half a second before breaking into a wide grin, wrapping his arms around your upper body and kissing you back a bit too excitedly, ending up making you both fall back. Kevin's on top of you for about half a minute until you "lovingly" shove him off and roll your eyes while he laughs.

"You're wet and sandy, now I'm wet and sandy. Idiot. You're lucky I like you and don't plan on shoving sand down your pants." You tease, a small smile on your lips as your gaze rests on his face. He stops laughing after a few more seconds and sits up, short hair now covered in sand so you move a hand up to his head to brush it out.

"Well... you could always just wash it off in the water." He wiggles his eyebrows, causing you to tauntingly scoop up a handful of sand, glaring at him with a look he knows means business. He quickly jumps up to his feet and, trying to be sweet he holds out his hand for you to take so he can help you up. You use your sand filled hand and pour it all onto his hand before taking it and standing up with a smirk.

"Okay, I'm still freaked out... but I remember being a kid and swimming at the beach, and enjoying it, so I'll just go in a little." With a small sigh and nervous shiver, you step slowly towards the water, still holding his hand for support of course. It'd been a long time and while the fear isn't new, it's not a fear you've always had.

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