Sick Day - Queen Maeve x Reader (Short)

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(Fun fact, one of my middle names is Margaret (Like Maeve) and one of my brothers is Kevin (Like Deep)... Yeah I find it both funny and weird.)(Also I literally pulled her name from a piece of paper from a Minnie mouse cup... I had no clue who to write for. Hopefully this'll be cute.) (As I write this, I'm realizing I'm making Y/n such a needy lil thing and... I'm just, I'm just gonna go with it.) 

(Y/n's Pov)

Sicknesses, one of life's shittest creations and of course, I'm almost CONSTANTLY sick. I get every cold that comes around in the cold seasons.

My girlfriend, the Seven's own Queen Maeve, just makes fun of me whenever I sneeze or cough. So on the very rare occasion I get her sick too, I always get my revenge. So tonight, after she had to deal with Homelander all day, she came home immediately with a grin on her lips, making me groan obnoxiously.

"Oh please just kill me now." I dramatically drape myself over the couch in our secret, apartment, hidden from Vought for obvious reasons. I close my eyes and pretend to be dead.

Maeve rolls her eyes and plops down beside me, raising her eyebrow and pokes my face.

"You dead yet?" Her voice full of amusement as she watches one of my eyes slowly peek open and quickly shut when I see her looking right at me.

"Yep, I'm dead. Only a kiss will revive me."

"Uh huh, you just want to get me sick and I'm not letting you win this time. Y/n you are seriously such a child. It's a fever and sore throat from coughing, you'll be fine."

I pout and sit up properly, my hair is a mess, I'm in one of her sweaters and a pair of baggy sweatpants. Laying my head in her lap and I can practically hear her eyes roll again as she slowly plays with my hair.

"Don't forget the puking and chills." I remind her with a slight grin, then frown when she tugs on my hair a bit.

"How could I forget." She sighs and sinks into the couch, her hand lays still in my hair and I immediately know something's up.

I slowly sit back up and lean my head on her shoulder, gabbing her hands in mine and give them gentle squeezes. I listen to her heartbeat, it's a little fast and just confirms my concerns.



"He's an ass."


I sigh and nod, understanding that she's slowly getting angrier and angrier with every interaction she has with him, I then smile and gently nudge her chin a little with my fingers, making her look at me while still squeezing her hand with my other.

"He's America's manbaby and one day, hopefully soon he'll get what's coming to him." I look into her eyes so she knows I'm serious now. "You're surviving though Maggie, no matter what he does you always survive."

Maeve chuckles softly before nodding, squeezing my hand in return before slipping her arm around my chest and I realize I'm in trouble.

She gently tosses me over her shoulder as she stands up from the couch and begins walking towards the bedroom, I smirk and playfully smack her ass, making her throw me onto the bed with a look that says 'Seriously?' I just shrug and lay on our bed, curling into a ball as I start having a coughing fit.

Maeve sits beside me, my back facing her and she slowly rubs my back as my coughing fit ends and I groan. We don't say anything for a while, just stay in place like this, her hand gently moving along my upper back then down to my hips over and over. 

I finally roll over to face her and just look up at her, she looks into my eyes for a while as she slowly lays her head on the pillows beside me. She moves a hand up to my warm cheek, just keeping it there while she loses herself in my eyes, something she'll do to feel safe.

"You're too good for me, too sweet." Her voice is soft, not her normal Queen Maeve voice, but her Maggie voice.

"Mm mm don't do that. Maggie I love you, you're strong, caring, I mean yeah you bully me but I deserve it a lot. You deserve so much and I adore you." I cough again and continue. "You put up with my stupid jokes and childish crap. I'm the one who doesn't deserve the Seven's best hero."

She just sighs, slowly starting to softly run her fingers over my cheek and chin, her eyes never leaving mine and she pulls me into her chest, letting me nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck. 

I softly kiss her neck in a gentle, caring manner, my arm moves over her waist and I close my eyes as I listen to her heartbeat, it's much calmer now and I smile.

"You're my favourite sick person." She finally speaks, making me chuckle softly.

"You're my favourite Queen."

"Sleep you ball of germs. We'll order soup from that place you like later hm?" Her hand returns to my hair and I nod tiredly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Y/n."









(I HATE THIS SO FUCKING MUCH UGH! I clearly haven't written in a long time and I'm just... this is not good writing from me and I'm disappointed in myself. I promise my writing is better than this... I think once I get back into this it'll get better. Plus I really need to rewatch the show because writing Maeve was way too hard as I don't know how exactly to write her. Anyways, enjoy if you can and I'll post again maybe in another few days. I'm hoping to update maybe once a week, maybe twice a month I don't know yet.)

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