Chapter 2

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Saturday, at night.
Su Ho: Shall we watch the new girl group first appearance?
Kai: Why?
Su Ho: It's not like we had other things to watch...
Se Hun with a big smile: Kai doesn't mind to not see it because he doesn't know how pretty they are.
Chen: That's right, they are really pretty.
Tao: Really pretty.
Kai: Ok, I get it. Let's just watch it.

Su Ho presses the button to open the TV and the other members gather in the living room to see their hoobaes appear on TV.

Xiu Min: Who else didn't see them last time except me?
D.O: Kai went to sleep, you had a CF and Lay fell asleep while we were trying to figure out where they could be.
Xiu Min: Are they talented?
Su Ho: You will see by yourself, it's starting.

Right at this moment, the music of their first single starts. Seulgi's face appears on the screen when she turns around to face the camera. Kai is confused again. "Isn't that the girl from my trainee days?! So she debuted... Waa, she really changed. Did we already talked to each other? No, right? But why do I feel like we did...?"

Lay: Ohhh. The group name is Red Velvet... I want to eat some now.
Chan Yeol: Happiness!
Kai: You know the song?
Chan Yeol: I heard it once and thought it was really good.
Kai: Hyung, do you know the girl with the yellow hair?
Chan Yeol: Seulgi? I met her yesterday. She is so cute, isn't she? She was asking me to give her advices.
Kai: Did I meet her before?
Chan Yeol: How would I know?
Kai: That's right...
Se Hun: Omg! Did you see this? Irene did a such a cute jump!
Su Ho: It's Irene noona for you, brat.
D.O: They sing very well. I'd like to do a collaboration with them.
Tao: Me too!!
Chen: Wendy's voice is powerfull.
Kai: Wait, you met them yesterday and you call them so casually like that?
D.O: They are really nice.
Xiu Min: Shall we go congratulate them?
Lay: Now?!
Su Ho: Why not? They are still in the practice room.
Chan Yeol: They almost live there, ahaha.
Se Hun: Are you comming this time Kai?
Kai: You're going to congratulate people at 8pm when they did that two hours ago?
Tao: Basically.
Kai: You guys are so funny.
Se Hun: If they're not there, what do we do?
Baek Hyun: Kkaeb song~
Su Ho while laughing: That's right, we will simply go back.

Then, EXO members leave their dorm and go to the main practice room. There, they find Red Velvet practicing on a song they never heard before: Be Natural.

Se Hun hiding behind the door: What are they doing?
Xiu Min: Is that a new song?
Tao: Ohh a dance with chairs? But who is that guy?
Su Ho: Where?
Tao: Standing in the middle.
Su Ho: It's TaeYong, you idiot. He's from SM Rookies and he helped us doing 90:2014.
Tao: Ohhhh... Sorry.
Short D.O at the back who doesn't see anything: Why are you not going in?!
Kai: Shh! They will see us.
Baek Hyun: They saw us.

EXO enter shyly the room. More embarrassed because they interrupted the practice of their donsaengs.
Su Ho: Sorry, we simply wanted to congratulate you for your debut and you showcase.
Irene: Don't worry, it's perfectly fine. Thank you. We were going to take a break anyways.
Tao: Can we watch you practice?
Baek Hyun whispers while hitting Tao: What you talking about? This is not a show.
Wendy: Yes sure, we will do our best.
Se Hun whispers to Kai: How can you stay calm when there is pretty girls in front of you? I can't.
Kai sitting down in front of the mirror wall: I'm not that calm...
POV of Seulgi.
"He came. Kai came this time. Oh my god. What you should I do. I'm not ready yet to show him my dance moves, i'm not good enough. I can't show him that. But... it's no like I have the choice. Ok. Everything is fine. I can do this. Even if I fail, I must stay confident... I must."

The music starts and Wendy sings.
At the end of their prestation, the public applauses. Every EXO members were clapping for them, even Kai.

"He liked our dance? Should I ask him what he thought about it? No, right? Because he will think that's it's weird for someone he doesn't know to talk casually to him. But what can I do?". Because of her thoughts, Seulgi starts to blush.

Wendy: What did you think about our dance?
Seulgi whispering to herself: How can she do that so naturally?!
Se Hun: It was... it was you know, amazing! Wahhh rookies are really something nowadays. It was so synchronized.
D.O: How can you be this flexible?
Joy: We're still working on it.
Chan Yeol while getting closer to Seulgi: The bear let the girl come out ahaha! You were amazing.
Seulgi: Thank you, but I still need to work on the parts with the chair.
Chan Yeol he said while laughing: I can't dance but I can recognize people who can. Should I buy you a drink for your good perfomance?
Seulgi: Seriously?!
Chan Yeol: What do you like?
Seulgi: Cola!
Chan Yeol: Me too. Don't you think it goes well with anything?
Seulgi: Right? Ahaha

They are going to quit the room when Kai comes toward them.

Kai: Where are you going, hyung? You shouldn't go out this late, we have a busy schedule tomorrow.
Seulgi bowing to him: Good evening.
Chan Yeol: Don't worry, we're staying in the building. Do you want to come? We're going to buy drinks.
Kai: No thanks.
Chan Yeol: Your loss. Let's go bear.
Kai: Bear?
Seulgi: Ah yes, it's my nickname.
Chan Yeol: Let's go. He won't change his mind.
Seulgi: Yes.
Kai: Ah wait! Your dance was really nice.
Seulgi: Thank you.

"So they are this close... But why do I feel like I know her? Maybe it's my imagination since she talks so formally to me. If we knew each other, then she wouldn't have felt the need to bow to me."

Se Hun: Did you see how she blushed when Chan Yeol spoke to her?
Kai: Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything. She could have been tired from the dance.
Se Hun: Ahaha you need Cupid glasses.
Kai: What the hell are you talking about?
Se Hun: It's not like you would understand.


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