Chapter 8

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As they walk towards the park, only the sound of their footsteps can be heard. That's right, they aren't talking. Jongin is lost in his thoughts while Seulgi is trying to figure out the reason of their late meeting.


"Did I do something wrong?'' the small girl thinks. ''He's not mad, right? Well he doesn't look like it... Then, why isn't he talking?"

As usual, she thinks about every possible reason except the right answer. We can't blame her, who would have thought that her first long time crush is feeling the same way she does. Seulgi can't even imagine it.

The troubled girl try to start a conversion because the silence is killing her and she feels like even the dog can tell that she is nervous.

Seulgi: Are you perhaps tired?

Jongin: Me? Not really.

Seulgi: ... ok.

Jongin: ...

Seulgi: Was the concert fun?

Jongin: Yes, like every other concert.

Seulgi: Did anything special happen?

Jongin: Not really.

She began to stress even more. "Why is he only responding with short answers?" Seulgi thought. "He must be mad. He's mad." she whispered.

Jongin: What?

Seulgi: Huh?

Jongin: Didn't you say something?

Seulgi: Wasn't it Monggu?

Jongin while lifting his left eyebrow: I don't think my dog talk. At least, not yet.

Seulgi: Ahah-ahahah

Jongin thought she was acting weird but let it pass since he had other things to think about. As we already know, he was far from being mad. His answers were shorts because he was absent-minded. Jongin left the idea of a prepared confession a long time ago because he realized that it wouldn't work out. He was going to follow his heart, even if it sounded weird.

Jongin suddenly stopped and grabbed Seulgi's arm. She looked at him with a surprised face.

Seulgi: What is it? We're not there ye—

Jongin: I have something to say.

Seulgi: But, didn't you say we would go to the park?

Jongin: It doesn't matter.

Seulgi: But—

Jongin: Seulgi.

Seulgi was trying to avoid a confrontation since she was convinced that he was mad. She didn't want to hear anything bad, her peaceful days with him meant everything to her.

Seulgi with a soft voice: Yes?

Jongin: We know each other since a long time, don't we?

Seulgi: Well, I know you since a long time. You couldn't recognize me even after my debut.

Jongin: Nonsense. I still knew you, I just had some problems.

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