Chapter 4

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POV of Kai: still in the practice room.

Kai: I'm kidding. "Seulgi" is juste fine.
Seulgi: Ah... Ahahahahaha, you scared me.
Kai: I should get going, I have a busy schedule tomorrow.
Seulgi waving to him: Bye.
Kai: See you later.

Kai leaves the practice room quietly. "What is my problem?! Why did I say that? It's not like i'm Se Hun. I don't say such embarrassing things normally. And she looked at me as if I was the dumbest Casanova on Earth. Ahh really!"

Kai arrives at the dorm.

Chan Yeol: Did it help you?
Kai: Yeah, thanks hyung.
Chan Yeol: You're simply lucky that I passed by the practice room. What did you talk about?
Kai: It's embarrasing...
Chan Yeol: Why? Did you say something you shouldn't have?
Kai while leaving: I'm never going to say that again. What's wrong with me?

POV of Seulgi.
"That was so sudden! Was it a joke? Oh my god. I can't believe Kim Kai said something like this to ME. I can basically die happy."

Seulgi arrives at her dorm and goes to the balcony. She is still red and she doesn't want the other
members to ask her why.

Seulgi: Is this for real? To become friend with him this easily? To talk to him so casually?
Irene: Who the hell are you talking to?
Seulgi: Huh? Nobody.
Irene: Why are you so weird sometimes?
Seulgi: Unnie, have you ever been close to a guy?
Irene: I'm not really confortable around guys.
Seulgi: You never had a boyfriend?
Irene: I used to have a best friend. We were in the same class until high school.
Seulgi: Then you can't help me.
Irene: Are you in love?
Seulgi: I don't know.
Irene: Good luck then.
Seulgi: Thanks, unnie.

Just when Seulgi was about to go in with Irene, she looked at the other side of the building and saw a light. The light came from the Exo's members dorm. She knew who it was: Kai. Seulgi couldn't believe it. He was waving at her with a smile. She answered way too happily and it made her blush. She kept looking at the other side of the building untill the light went off. Seulgi was so happy that she fell asleep automatically.

POV of Kai: the next morning, EXO was eating breakfast together.

D.O: Hyung, what do we have today?
Su Ho: We have a photoshoot in the evening.
Xiu Min: We also have a CF later for Pepero.
Chen: Don't forget that we have a variety show at night.
Kai: Then, we don't have anything this morning?
D.O: Why are you so happy when we have this much to do? I have a shooting for "It's Okay, That's Love" right now.
Baek Hyun: Ahahaha have fun actor D.O.
Su Ho: Don't make him mad unless you want to be hit.
Baek Hyun with a shy smile: Don't mind me.
Kai: Hyung, i'm done eating can I go out?
Su Ho: Just be careful of what you do. And stay near the building, I don't want to find in the newspapers something about you tomorrow.
Kai: Don't worry.

Kai get up and go straight to his room.

Tao: Where is he going?
Chan Yeol: Probably to Seulgi.
Lay: Seulgi? Like Kumdoori?
Chan Yeol: Yeah.
Lay: Why?
Baek Hyun: They became friends.
Su Ho: Since when? I have never seen them talking.
Chan Yeol with a playful smile: Since yesterday.
Xiu Min: Must be nice to be young.
Tao: Hyung, why do you always speak like a grandfather?
Se Hun: Because he's old inside and young outside.
Xiu Min: Ya, Oh Se Hun, do you want to try be hit by a grandfather?
Se Hun while leaving: Yehet!

Kai arrives to Red Velvet's dorm and knocks on the door. There is no answer. He stayed in front of the door until a staff member passed and told him that they were out for Inkigayo. He sighed. "I can still watch their perfomance since it's live".

Kai: When does their perfomance start?
Staff member: In exactly two minutes.
Kai: Oh no!

Kai starts to run toward his dorm. "I won't miss it!" He opens loudly the door and EXO members are surprised.

Kai: Hyung! TURN ON THE TV!!!!
Lay: Which Hyung?

Baek Hyun opens the TV without asking any question.

Se Hun: What do you want to watch?
Kai trying to catch his breath: Just wait and see.

The TV shows the four members of the new group of their agency doing their song Be Natural. The EXO members were amazed by the change from what they saw two weeks ago in the practice room and what was in front of them. The Red Velvet members were wearing suits and their hair where loose. They also dyed their hair and lost their colors. Red Velvet changed into something completely different.

Chan Yeol: How?! Wahh they are pros.
Kai: ...
Baek Hyun: Yah, Jong In, are you still alive?
Lay: Did you see them flip their hair?! How can they be so sexy when they did a song like happiness last week?
Chan Yeol: Pros, these girls are pros.
Xiu Min: S.E.S is born again!!
Tao: Seulgi is a goddess, what will I do when i'll see her, huh?
Kai coldly: Keep doing what you were doing.
Tao: I can't! She's my idol.
Su Ho: My donsaengs are so great. Wendy sings really well.
Chan Yeol: The others too. Joy is so cute!

Kai wanted to shut Tao up but he was mesmerized by Seulgi. Everytime she appeared on sceen, he wanted to hide the TV from his hyungs. Was it the same shy and cute girl he saw yesterday? This girl was confident and sexy. She knew that she was powerful and could break any heart. His heart wasn't an exception.

I know Be Natural didn't come out as soon as it does in my story but, I needed to do it, i'm sorry >_<
P.S: This my favorite performance of Be Natural:


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