Chapter 1

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Mariam retorted into a deep thoughts with her mind swirling towards the recents happenings in her life, the quietness of the small sized room she is in supported the silent thoughts. The small horizontal crack of the white ceiling she's staring at brought her thoughts to a different direction as she remembered that she is now a wife to a not-close-to-rich man, Amir.

Mariam still could not believe that she has already married Amir whom she met him during their university days. It was a a correct example of 'Love at first sight.' And it happens to be that the feeling was mutual between the two then. Amir's charming features was enough to attract any girl making him recognized as one of the most handsome men in MAUN university then.

Little does she know that marrying him will change her exclusive life to a whole different direction, from a rich, expensive and luxurious life she had been receiving at her rich parents house to a life where everything is manageable in supply, or sometimes completely scarce.

Mariam's affluent parents cut all ties with her mainly because she went forward to marry the man whom they never liked as she remember them saying once "I just feel like something is wrong with Amir's sincerity" She remembered her mother saying and her father agreeing by adding "Hear this Mariam, a good mother's instinct is never wrong."

Yet, Mariam heard not.

And her mother's instincts turned out to be right due to the total deception that Amir threw on her head.

The only family member that still kept in touch with her is her maternal aunt.
'Aunt Hadiya.' is what they all refer to her as.

Mariam's love for Aunt Hadiya grew even more considering how she did not abandon her regardless of the fact that the deadly decision she took is gradually eating up the flesh in her leaving only bones, gradually.

Even though she knows literally nothing about Aunt Hadiya's husband, children or personal life. Mariam never cared to ask. All she knows is that Aunt Hadiya is her maternal Aunt.

Mariam forced her mind out of her running thoughts as she freshened up into a clean gown. Now, she's presently standing in front of the small mirror of her room Staring in awe at her unbelievable reflection.

She has lost a lot of weight after marrying Amir, her brown iris that used to look so bright are now looking dull and lifeless, her under eyes has some tiny dark spots on her brown skin showing how she has been having sleepless nights, her full shaped lips stayed apparently the same, still pink in colour. Nonetheless, all these loss of weight didn't tarnish her undenying natural beauty. She is still the same one-in-a-million beautiful girl she used to be.

The depths of her husband deception still surprise her, deceived by her own husband is something she has never expected to happen in her life. She trusted Amir with all her life allowing herself to get deceived by his innocent black eyes that matches his straight nose.
Mariam had no idea that Amar already has a wife who goes by the name 'Basira.'

The fact that he had told her that he was not married and that he has a decent job to take care of the family together with her all turned out to be a lie.

As soon as she stepped into the door of the house and set her eyes on the woman whom Amir had said was his first wife 'Basira.' She refused to communicate with him at all as soon as she ran to her allocated room locking the door while she cried her heart out afraid that she might have made a wrong decision.
Even though they are all in the same house, she still keep her distance from him promising to guard her heart from Amir and any other foreign man that might end of hurting it again.

Mariam walked out of her small room to the kitchen that is just a five seconds walk from her room in search of something to eat as breakfast. She had ate nothing last night due to the scarcity of a palatable meal in Amir's house.

On normal days, by this time she's suppose to go to the biggest company in the whole of Kano state based on size, gross development and exclusiveness. The Star Multimedia company where she works as a receptionist, Star Multimedia company is owned by the Yoruba man Bukar Ayo who had retired due to old age and had passed the responsibilities of the company to his son making him the new CEO of the company, Ahmad Ayo.

Ahmad is the CEO of the Star Multimedia Company who has increased the reputation and the development of the company since when he has hopped on it using his intellectual knowledge of a business man, with his efforts, the company now has branches all over the world.

Regarding his name, 'Ahmad' May have sounded extremely nice and caring but the public knows that's not how it is with Ahmad. His personality is a combination of cold, arrogant and stubborn, at least that's what he shows to the world, perhaps it's different to what he shows his family.

Mariam walked to the traditionally modeled kitchen, and as expected Basira is already there cooking food for her stomach and Amar's.

Mariam felt the intense stare that Basira is currently giving her but she just ignored it as usual and opened the fridge which has nothing except for a pure leathered water so she carried it and went to the parlor. Basira came out of the kitchen too and dropped a food flask on the table. Where the tall dark skinned woman got the food stuffs to cook, only Allah knows because Mariam does not.

Mariam has already started sipping the water as breakfast internally comforting herself that 'it's going to be able to retain her stomach for a while' and that's when she smelt a familiar reeking smell of alcohol that Amir always return home with.

She turned around to see Amir dressed in an all-black outfit with sweat crawling down all parts of his body, the alcohol bottle clinched with his fingers. He was taking wobbly steps and was about to fall on the cemented floor when Mariam quickly went forward intending to support him, but Basira has already done that by holding his tall frame up supportingly.

Basira casted a hard glare at Mariam before walking with her arm on Amir's shoulder to hold him up. Mariam watch as Basira disappeared into a corner of her room while supporting Amir with a hand over his shoulder.

Mariam sighed nonchalantly, went to her room and got a room freshener to spray in the parlor that's now reeking of alcohol.

She sat down the worn out couch and turned on the only television in the house.

Mariam was busy watching to elapse time when she heard a knocking sound from the door, she opened the door and as expected saw Bashir, Amir's younger brother who always comes to Amir's house in search of food that he for sure knows is not always available in the house.

Mariam knows that what he wanted was food, she came back and sat down on her former seat after offering a small smile to Bashir.
They exchanged pleasantries and Bashir sat down on the next couch, asking Mariam for food as expected.

Mariam simply kept quiet refusing to answer him ash's when gulps down the pure water, when she saw Bashir reaching out to carry the food that Basira dropped she said to him "That's Basira's food."

Bashir response was "Oh I'm sure she won't mind me eating it." And with that he started devouring the jollof rice like a jungle wolf.

Mariam shrugged saying "You'll explain yourself to her." She knows how troublesome Basira is, and for some unknown reason Basira always shows a clear dislike towards Mariam blaming her for each and every inappropriate act done in the house.

Mariam would only keep quiet or as she usually does, leave the place. Trouble has never been her share.



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