Chapter 16

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The following days flew faster than flash as if even the days want it to be next month so that the CEO and Mariam could get married.

Mariam had continued working likewise Ahmad. They'll always go to check on Hidaya each and every days after working hours.

Hidaya would then pester them up about how the wedding preparations were going. About how she had hired the most expensive event planner to plan out everything. About how she had invited popular artist to attend the wedding. The list went on and on.

Mariam was praying for the days to be slower only for it to reject her prayers by dragging the next month sooner than she had expected. She's getting married today and what does she know of her husband ? Mariam could only agree that he's an arrogant rich man that likes to show off.

She couldn't deny the fact that he is handsome. But she is nothing less than stunning herself.

Mariam took a deep breath as the workers hired to help her with her makeup and dressing tried to squeezed the corset to make it tighter.

The designer that had designed the dress moved back to inspect her work as she smiled
"Looks just like how I imagined it would look on you Mrs." The tall woman beamed.

Mariam moved to inspect herself in the mirror, she almost forgot to breath. The dress is a stunning piece of design, a white and silver color that flows at the back.

Mariam smiled at her reflection as her mothers entered to alarm when that they're here to take her to the wedding venue.

Mariam had smiled at the praises her mother kept on raining on her about her looks.

The endless convoys of arranged black and white Honda's outside had caused Mariam to gulp nervously.

"The white cars is from our side while the black cars of from your groom's side." Aisha said to Mariam who nodded her head as her mother lead her to the black limousine at the  center of the convoys.

Mariam was helped into the limousine as her dress is being lifted to be inside the limousine.               Mariam and only shifted her gaze to look at the man in silver and white kaftan when the doors had being closed.

The drive was very quiet, Ahmad had said nothing to her, not even a you look nice or something.

It was only when they were to do their entry that he acknowledged her when he was asked to hook his arm with her hand. Ahmad turned to look at her as a way of asking for confirmation to do that.

Mariam had simply nodded.

He went ahead to hook his arm with hers as they both entered the massively decorated hall. Ahmad caught sight of his mother first. She was seated at the reserved side of the hall together with their other relatives.

He could see the tears of joys in her eyes and seeing the happiness he had caused her-he felt satisfied, as if a burden has being lifted off his chest now that he had fulfilled his mother's last wish.

It was hard, but he did it.

Mariam on the other hand was too focused on one of the guest, a young woman that looks to be around her age-in her early twenties glaring at her.

Mariam ignored and shifted her gaze to look at her relative's happy faces, some of which she doesn't even know them.

When they had both taken their seats, the event started with Mariam trying her best not to fall asleep when the day was getting older.

The wedding seemed like it wouldn't end at first, with different artist performing and different delicacies being served.

Eventually, it started coming to and end
It took a while for Ahmad to meet her gaze. And when he did sight her among the guests- he internally cursed.

He had forgotten to contact her about this, he had wanted to explain everything to her but the situation with his mother made him to forget everything concerning his former lover. Humaira.

Ahmad had rubbed his curls restlessly, his eyes holding the gaze of Humaira's eyes that looks like it's will start crying anytime soon.

The wedding was coming to and end, a slow  dance between the couples was requested but Ahmad just didn't have time for this especially when he's seeing Humaira like this right now.

He swiftly walked out of the wedding hall with only one person noticing him walking out-Mariam.

"Can we have the couples on stage please." The MC had announced again. Mariam whispered to her Hanan to tell the Mc to cancel whatsoever couple dance he was embarking on. And so it was cancelled as everyone was called on the stage.

Mariam had stayed only her until the event was over, without her husband beside her.

She couldn't help but wonder what where he had walked off to.

It was Ahmad's parents and cousins that had escorted her to her new home. Mariam had internally admired the sight of the mansion she has being brought to. Apparently, it's been bought recently by her husband as she was told.

Mariam didn't have the energy to entertain people and so she quickly darted to the first bedroom she saw when she went upstairs. All the while, trying her best not to blink her eyes so as not to end up crying.

Mariam did not even remove her wedding dress as she slept off.

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