part three

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The Maliks were throwing a ball and Harry had it on good word from Niall that Louis would be attending. It was the perfect way to start his master plan of winning Louis back, and the first part was making sure he looked the part. Harry had always been told he was handsome, a natural beauty that rivaled and stood out amongst most omegas. But it didn't hurt to put in a little extra work so he spent the day of the ball sitting in a bath full of rose petals while his maids pampered him with facials and painted all of his nails a pretty light blue color. He wore his light blue suit with a lace white button-up underneath and he finished off his look with his pearl necklace.

Standing in front of his mirror, he looked at himself and wondered if he would catch Louis' eye. He remembered Louis once telling him that in a room full of people, Harry was the only one he wanted to look at. He hoped that still remained true.

Harry joined his parents in their carriage and they were off. Upon arriving, they were escorted inside and Harry's eyes roamed the ballroom for Louis' familiar face, though he couldn't find him. They greeted the Maliks with hugs and kisses, and Harry was acutely aware of the alphas around the room who were glancing his way. Despite a broken engagement, Harry was still an eligible, unmated omega, and it was natural that alphas who were looking to marry this season would consider him.

This was perfect for his plan.

"Harry," Zayn smiled, clapping his hand over the omega's shoulder. "So good to see you, mate. This is my fiance, Lydia."

"Pleased to meet you," Harry smiled at the beta, taking her extended hand into his.

"You, too, Mr. Styles," she replied. She was very pretty and perfect for Zayn with her warm hazel eyes and gentle demeanor. "Zayn has told me so much about you. I'd love to hear about your travels to Paris."

"Of course," Harry responded. "Have you ever been?"

"Once when I was young. My father had business there and took the whole family with him. It's a beautiful city!"

The two of them got swept up in their conversation and Harry spent a good portion of time getting to know her. She loved to read and recommended a few romance novels to Harry. She also had dreams of moving to the countryside because London was a bit too loud and crowded for her, which was perfect because Zayn also felt the same way. Eventually, Lydia did have to go and speak with a few guests with Zayn, so Harry walked away to get himself a glass of champagne.

The person he was most looking forward to seeing hadn't arrived yet and he began wondering if Niall had his information right. Just as he considered looking for Niall and asking, the ballroom doors opened, and in walked Louis. Time seemed to slow as Harry watched him, mesmerized by the way his dark coat shimmered underneath the chandelier lights. The moment he entered, the guests parted, making way for him to walk through, and it seemed Harry wasn't the only one taken by Louis' beauty. Several eyes were on the alpha, watching as he walked through the crowd with his family behind him. He was shining, glittering.

The omega wondered, not for the first time, how he could have ever resisted Louis. Was it his pride that clouded him? Because looking at him now, Harry was more sure than ever that he loved that alpha, and despite leaving him, he realized now that it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted Louis, forever and always.

He sipped his champagne, wondering how he could execute the next part of his master plan because it seemed Louis hadn't noticed him yet. Maybe he needed to get closer to him, but he wasn't sure he could say hello. Not with Charlotte and Felicity walking beside Louis now, whispering and giggling with him about something. It made Harry sad that they hated him so much now, but it was his doing, after all. He really hoped that one day they were able to forgive him.

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