part seven

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Harry never thought he could love Louis more than he already did, but that was before he'd seen the look on Louis' face when Harry walked down the aisle toward him. His bright smile completely lit up from the inside and his eyes were glistening with tears by the time he reached him.

Their wedding day was nothing short of magical. It was held just at the beginning of August and only those closest and dearest were invited to the church ceremony. The couple didn't want to wait too long to finally be united, so they did their best with the short amount of time they had. There was some concern over what the ton would say about Louis marrying his ex-fiancé after just breaking it off with Jane, but they realized they didn't care and wanted to move forward with their lives.

Harry, naturally, was very emotional during the whole ceremony, if only because he was so happy that he finally got to do it right and seal his union with Louis. A content feeling settled into his chest as he rested his head over Louis' shoulder during their first dance as a couple. Louis' strong hands wrapped around his waist while they both swayed to the romantic music.

"You're quiet," Louis murmured into Harry's ear.

Harry hummed. "Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Louis chuckled.

There were a number of things running through the omega's mind. He was thinking about the long hours Louis and he spent talking the night before about what they meant to each other and what they wanted in the future. Things that they probably should have talked about a long time ago had Harry taken his head out of his arse. He thought about Louis' vows to him — promises of loving Harry with every single beat of his heart, supporting Harry through all of his dreams, respecting him as an equal, and making sure he was always happy.

For Harry, his biggest dilemma with getting married in the beginning was that he felt like no one would really be able to understand him. He wasn't a docile omega who sat and stood at the snap of his alpha's fingers. Harry was headstrong and quite stubborn when he wanted to be, but Louis loved him despite that. He told him he loved him because of that. He felt so lucky that in the end, he managed to find his happy ending and his master plan actually worked.

A smile adorned his face, smug and mischievous. "I'm thinking about this summer," he confessed.

"This summer?" Louis frowned even as his lips formed a smile.

"Who would have thought my little master plan would work and I'd convince you to be with me again?"

"Ah," Louis nodded. "You are quite the mastermind."

"Thank you," Harry preened. "Kind of messy at times, but I did my best."

"So it was all planned?"

"Since that day I read your letter."

Louis smirked. "I had a feeling, you know?"

At this, Harry straightened up, gazing into Louis' eyes. The smirk on the alpha's face grew wider. "You knew?"

"Not completely," he admitted. "But I knew you were up to something, especially that first ball when you shared all of those dances with those alphas. I thought I was going crazy at first, but you wouldn't stop looking over at me no matter who your partner was."

"Were you jealous?" Harry asked, leaning close to inhale Louis' heady scent, his nose dragging across his cheek.

"What do you think?" Louis cocked his head to the side. "I wanted to rip every single one of those alphas off you."

Harry giggled. "I would have probably let you. But you knew I wasn't interested in any of them since I kept staring at you, apparently."

"You have no room to talk," Louis shook his head. "Need I remind you of the night at the opera?"

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