part five

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Harry had always been a fan of the opera. He looked forward to attending whenever his family was invited. There was something so glamorous and decadent about the high ceilings, the velvet red drapes, and the glittering, gold stage. He was a lover of all art and music was one of them. Tonight, however, he was absolutely loathing being here.

For one, his mother insisted that he be accompanied by Xander Ritz, once again. So now he was being subjected to another night of Xander asking him the most mundane questions. Secondly, there were too many people around them. All the scents mixed together were suffocating him and Harry felt like a child, so close to throwing a tantrum at having to come out tonight when he wasn't in the mood.

But what he loathed the most about tonight was that just across the opera hall was Louis with his fiancé, Jane.

He glared at the pair the second he arrived because he was angry at Louis now. He walked out of the Styles manor only four days ago and since then he had not reached out to Harry at all. He never came back to visit, wrote him a note, or anything! Harry laid out his feelings for him as Louis had asked. Now, he didn't know where they stood, but one thing Harry knew was that he was done with these games and his plan. He'd done what he needed to and now he wasn't going to pretend like seeing Louis with Jane didn't rip his heart out every time. His omega was screaming inside, anguished and jealous, and he was over it.

"Are you feeling alright?" Xander asked him.

Seeing how unsure Xander looked made Harry feel bad because he didn't want Xander to think he'd done anything wrong. It wasn't his fault Harry's life and his feelings were a complete mess. Harry shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry. Just not feeling the best," he answered.

"Would you like me to escort you home?" the alpha asked, a concerned expression on his face.

"I'll be alright, but thank you," Harry attempted to smile.

Xander nodded. "Just let me know, alright?"

They faced forward as everyone started to settle down into their seats. The show would be starting soon. Harry's parents were somewhere here as well, but they left Harry and Xander alone to give them some time to get to know each other. He discreetly looked over at Louis, finding him in deep conversation with the omega beside him. Harry continued to watch them even though it was complete torture. But he couldn't look away. It was almost like his body was trying to convince himself that if he looked at them long enough, he could accept that he'd lost Louis for good.

No matter what plan Harry made and all of his efforts to court the alpha, he didn't succeed and he'd just have to accept it. It was almost working. He was nearly numb to it until the lights began to dim and just as they did, Harry saw Jane lean over across her seat to press her lips against Louis' jaw.

Harry saw red.

He didn't know what Louis did or what happened after because the entire room was dark, but Harry had had enough. He immediately stood up, his seat clattering in the otherwise quiet room, and stormed out of the aisle. Several people looked over at him, but Harry couldn't see them with the tears blurring his vision. He wasn't even sure where he was going, but the second he left the opera hall and walked into the lobby, he took a shaky breath. He gulped as he looked around the room, trying to find somewhere he could go, and spotted the sprawling staircase that led upstairs to the private rooms where VIP guests went to sit before and after shows, mostly to drink and socialize.

Since there was a show going on now, all the rooms upstairs were empty so Harry picked a random one to go into, closing the door behind him soundly. Once inside, his eyes took in the lavish velvet sofas and the large fireplace in the corner. It was a beautiful room to fall apart in and that was exactly what Harry did. He felt so utterly broken. So helpless and desperate and wild. He began pacing the room, trying to even out his rapid breathing, but he was only getting more and more worked up. How could Louis let her do that? How could he sit there right in front of Harry and be so charming and flirty with his new omega?

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