part four

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It was the first Royal race of the season and Harry had a date.

It was his mother's doing. Turned out, the morning after the ball at the Malik's, Xander Ritz had shown up to the Styles manor to call upon Harry. Harry wasn't there since he'd gone to visit the Tomlinsons, so he missed him. Xander had come over with white roses and apparently sat with Anne for over an hour, talking about his family, their estate, and how he wished to spend more time with Harry. Something Harry completely missed while dancing with Xander was learning that the alpha was a Duke. Anne was delighted and charmed by him. She wanted to marry Harry off and get him settled down, and Xander was a good match in her opinion, especially given that he was royalty.

Harry spoke about it at great lengths with his mother the night before the race and he realized after much arguing that it was fruitless. Anne was insistent that he should give Xander a chance and the more Harry thought about it, the more he realized he could use this to his advantage. Louis hadn't written to him or made any moves since Harry went over to their place with the flowers, so maybe Harry needed to up his antics.

"A wonderful day, isn't it?" Xander asked Harry as he helped him down from their carriage.

Harry nodded, squinting underneath the bright sunlight. He stepped aside, allowing the carriage to leave, and Xander extended his arm for Harry to take. He was a lovely alpha, but Harry cringed every time they had to interact. He was leading him on and he felt bad about it, but he wasn't sure what else to do. His mum had practically pushed him out the door this morning and told him he was to report back later that night with every single detail when he got back.

If she only knew where his mind and heart were at.

"Do you come to these races often?" Xander asked, attempting to engage in conversation once more with Harry. The carriage ride was mostly silent except for Xander asking him mundane things like what Harry's favorite color was and how he took his tea. He was clearly trying, but the more time passed, the more Harry couldn't find it in him to try.

"Sometimes during the social season," the omega replied. "Not really my thing, though."

"What do you like doing in your free time, then?"

"I like going to museums, mostly. There's a few in London that I frequent almost monthly."

"I'll have to ask you to take me to your favorite one sometime," Xander chuckled. "I've never been to a museum."

"Really?" Harry cocked his head to the side. "Any reason why?"

"I've never been interested," Xander replied. "I think I just might need you to show me how to appreciate fine art."

"I think so," Harry laughed. They approached the entrance to the race where the organizers had set up bleachers for everyone to sit on while riders got their horses ready on the field. Harry looked around the crowd, appreciating all the colorful outfits and jubilant conversations going on. It was only moments later that he found Louis. He was standing with Jane and while Harry had seen them together a few times now, his stomach sank at the way Louis was laughing with her. Jealousy swirled in Harry's gut and he didn't realize he was pouting until Xander nudged him.

The omega looked up at him and tried smiling. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"I was just saying it looks like there will be five horses racing today," Xander pointed out. "Which one do you think will win?"

Harry glanced over at the horses on the field and shrugged. "The white one is really pretty. Maybe that one. I'm not sure. What about you?"

"I reckon that black one with the brown tail would do very well," Xander commented. "Did you know that the alpha who is racing him studied abroad? We used to frequent the same club together." He began recounting how he'd met the lad and Harry tuned him out again, eyes skirting back to where Louis was standing. It appeared Louis had spotted him now as well, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Harry and Xander standing together and chatting.

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